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Spells and Spellcrafting
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The Rosicrucian: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order
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For those with a preliminary interest in the Rosicrucian (R+C) philosophy and teachings, this is a good overall introduction. The book ties together the Gnostic- and Hermetic-influenced origins of the R+C and various accounts of their evolution through the ages up to the 1990s.
This book was written by an author who is up to his neck in esotericism and the history of the Age of Reason. The author does a good job of explaining just how dangerous it was in times past to hold some of the beliefs that R+Cs did, and why things were kept so secret. I had the feeling he did his research well, going back where possible to original documents in various continental libraries in order to do so. One glance at the bibliography of this book will prove the breadth of his research and, likely, the intensity of his interest in the subject.
It is not a handbook of R+C teachings, but does contain very helpful information on key parts of the R+C tradition: the Fama Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis and Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. The roles of key personalities relevant to the R+C are considered: Johann Andraea, Francis Bacon, Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer, John Dee, Rene Descartes, Goethe, Max Heindel, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Michael Maier, Paschal B. Randolph, Rudolph Steiner, A.E. Waite, Adam Weishaupt (of the Bavarian Illuminati), etc.
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Liber Falxifer Vol I: The Book of the Left-Handed Reaper
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Liber Falxifer is the long awaited book that reveals the secret teachings of the Necrosophic Cult within the Current 218. This book of the Scythe-Bearer provides a solid theoretical, historical and mythical foundation for the Cult of the Left-Handed Reaper, and offers clear instruction for ritual practice connected to both the folk-magical tradition, as well as the more sinister, hidden line of traditional witchcraft connected to the Cult of the Skeletal Lord of the Bloody Scythe. The basis for the various forms of magic presented in Liber Falxifer is a dark form of telestic fetishism steeped in the forbidden and concealed traditions of both necromantia and necromageia, as practiced within the many clandestine magical paths connected to the Lord of All Graves.
The grimoire is broken out into two parts, the first of which is a discussion of the relevant aspects of the exoteric Latin American Cult of the Lord of Death. Topics offer insight into the origins of the Cult and the different forms of the open and closed Cults of the Master, the various altar setups and their significance, the specific traditional offerings given to the Lord of Death, the empowered talismans and fetishes used within magical practice, the different methods of consecration, traditional spells and rituals for magical protection, revitalization and malediction, and a curse to bring death to one's foes.
The second part of Liber Falxifer focuses entirely on the more esoteric aspects of the Hidden Cult of Death, first noting that its essence is partially expressed through some of the same symbolism used within the folk-magical practice, but then taking matters much deeper into the darkness of the mysteries of the Sinistral Death, presenting not only an esoteric crossing between the two cults, but a complete system of practical Necrosophic Sorcery. Amongst the topics discussed are the pagan roots of the Master of Death, His true identity as it is understood within the Templum Falcis Cruentis, His many names of power and various aspects and manifestations, the Formula of Calling and Invocation to the Lord of the Scythe, the esoteric ritual for the ensouling of the altar statues of the Left-Handed Harvester, the workings with the altars used within the esoteric line of practice, the many different talismanic symbols, sorcerous insignia and the Key Sigils of Death, the buying of soil from the dead, the mysteries of Death's fell garden, the creation of fetish-skulls and the many different ways that they can be employed within the Necrosophic practice, the magic of tobacco and the secret tincture of its great daemonic shade, the Rosaries of Death and their construction, the Altar of the Dead and the veneration of the shades of the True and Secret Ancestry, the Sigil of Resurrection and instructions for the creation of a Spirit Box used to house the shadow of the dead, the Sceptre of the Shadow of Death and its creation and consecration, and much more.
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The Satanic Bible - Anton LaVey
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A founder of the Church of Satan explains its philosophies of indulgence and freedom, and discusses Satanic rituals. The Satanic Bible claims the heritage of a horde of evil deities--Bile', Dagon, Moloch, and Yao Tzin to name a few--but these ancient gods have no coherent connection between each other or to Satanism, except that all have been categorized by Christianity as "evil." Calling on these ancient names like a magician shouting, "Abracadabra," LaVey attempts to shatter the classical depiction of Satanism as a cult of black mass and child sacrifice. As the smoke clears, he leads us through a surprisingly logical argument in favor of a life focused on self-indulgence. The Satanic Bible is less bible and more philosophy (with a few rituals thrown in to keep us entertained), but this philosophy is the backbone of a religion that, until LaVey entered the scene, was merely a myth of the Christian church. It took LaVey, and The Satanic Bible, to turn this myth into a legitimate public religion
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Catalog of Spirits and Entities
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Marcus Cordey
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Taken from the 1960 reprint of AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OCCULTISM by Lewis Spence, University Books, Hyde Park, New York. First published in 1920, it is considered to be one of the best sources on the subject.
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Sexual Sorcery
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This is by far the finest book on Sex Magick available on the market ever! Complete book covering all the topics other Sex Magick books won't!!
Complete and practical information on: *Tantrick Universe * Hidden Dimensions in Sex * History of Sexual Sorcery.
Sexual Sorcery covers the many aspects of using sex as a sacrament, a ritual, or an expression of divine love. It also provides plenty of practical information helpful to any modern sexual sorcerer.
Sexual Sorcery includes explanations of sexual technique as well as etiquette and energy, and the value of love in any relationship, especially a sexual relationship incorporating magick. From this base, Sexual Sorcery delves into the various techniques, types, and rituals of sex magick--using magick to enhance sex, ecstatic and mystical experiences during sex, and more esoteric techniques of sexual invocation, evocation, and alchemy.
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Liber Falxifer Vol II: Book of Anamlaqayin
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The Second Book of Master Falxifer will delve further into the Necrosophic mysteries of Qayin, but will also cast a black light on some crucial aspects previously hinted at and at the same time veiled, in the first book of the Left-Handed Reaper. One of these all-important aspects concerns the identity of and the gnosis granted by the Hidden Mother of Our Bloodline, the Bride of Qayin.
The Second Book of Falxifer shall continue where the First Book left off, as the purpose of all the publications of the Templum Falcis Cruentis is to make available the initiatic tools needed by Those of the Blood in order to awaken and set ablaze their slumbering Pneumatic Flames.
The Second Book will once again present an extensive set of both worded and wordless manifestations of Sorcerous Gnosis and provide access to previously hidden keys to both low and high forms of Necrosophic Nigromancy, Necromancy, Ancestral Veneration, Herbal Demonology and give new detailed instruction about how the powers of the insignias, talismans and fetishes of the Lord of the Harvest can be further employed in order to achieve both temporal and spiritual power, victory and transcendence, all by walking in the fiery and blessed footsteps of the First Ones who traversed the Paths of Nod.
Some of the topics presented within the Second Book of Our Master are: esoteric discourses revealing the mythic foundation of our Qayinitic Gnosticism, the Hidden Bride of Qayin, Her secret formulas of Calling and Names of Power, Her sigils of both high and low sorcery, the unified and transcendent aspect of the Twin-Flame of Sataninsam, the Dark Dead and their hidden and most fearful aspects, the cleansing, protective and empowering baths, the herbal formulas and activations of the 7 Key Sigils of Death, the Mysteries of the Black In Green, exploring the powers of the First Tiller and the workings of the Esoteric Sigil of the Green Skull, the rites of protection and concealment, instructions concerning the creation and employing of the Qayinitic Bone Talismans (i.e. Pays), specific fetishes of some of the most important aspects of the Master, like for example the Fetish of the Lord of the Mound and the Skull of the First Harvester, the role of the First Dead within the Cult and His Sigils of Calling, talismanic work against the law, the ensouling Tinctures of Qayin and His Rose-Crowned Bride, the secret Kelim of Baaltzelmoth, the Grand Kliffotic Sigil of the King of the Ravens of Death, further teachings concerning the Mighty Dead and the workings of the Altar of the Dead, prayers, invocations and talismanic forms used for the channelling of the powers of both the soul and the spirit of Qayin and much more.
Those who have faithfully and correctly worked with and internalized the teachings offered in the First Book of the Left-Handed Reaper will, in this Second Book of our Holy Saint of Death, receive the instruction needed to further experience the initiatic empowerments, blessings and curses of our Necrosophic Tradition.
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The Necromantic Ritual Book
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For many, ritual is a way to formally connect with specific currents of energy. The rituals in this book are intended to align one's soul with the "Death Energy". One might ask, what is "Death Energy"? Simply expressed, it is the current of transition. The workings in this unique book will permit the magician to bask in the "lifeforce" of the Angel of Death. Successful working of any of these devotions will enable you to share consciousness with the Angel of Death on an intimate level, as well as becoming "one" with your own death. Chapters include; "Getting To Know You", simple exercises to get comfortable in Death's presence, "Connecting With the Death Energy", "The Summoning of Shadows", "A Note on Temples", (the finest temples call to us, we need not erect them in a physical sense.) "Accessing The Gates", "Ritual Sculpting", (creating the perfect golem and animating it through empowerment rituals) and "High Necromancy", not for the faint of heart nor the fearful. These are rites of passion and devotion for the accomplished and sincere practitioner. The Necromantic Ritual Book is a lamp unto the realm of shadows, dispelling fear with understanding.
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The Unsacred Texts Of The Koton
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You are about to discover the most evil, vile and disgusting book ever written. It may even be the words of Satan himself! Did Lucifer actually write this shocking and unbelievable ancient text ? You are one of the first human beings to actually experience the ancient wisdom contained in this most unholy of books comprised of texts that may even predate history itself. So powerful and so terrifying that it may have already lead strong willed men to madness... Forget the child's play of fantasy with books like the Necronomicon....
The Unsacred Texts Of The Koton, presented here for the first time in electronic book form gives you the power to discover and master long suppressed ancient sorcery for yourself. Unearthed during the turbulent 1960's, this strange and perverse ancient compendium is both evil and beyond pornographic in its vicious and visceral raw sexual power. Learn for yourself what may very well be the writings of the devil himself.
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Tarot & Magic by Donald Michael Kraig
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Perform life-changing magic with nothing more than your favorite Tarot deck. Tarot and Magic, the third book in Llewellyn's Special Topics in Tarot series of advanced and specialized Tarot techniques, shows you how.
Straightforward and respectful of all spiritual paths, this guide teaches you how to create your own Tarot spells and rituals, and use the magical power of the cards as talismans. It reveals the secret connection between the Tarot and sex magic, and presents three methods for exploring this connection. You'll learn how to enter and work in the astral plane, using the Tarot as a map. You'll even rediscover the time-proven but little-known magic technique of dancing the Tarot, developed by respected magicians Denning and Phillips. Each chapter concludes with questions designed to trigger your own magical abilities.
Your Tarot deck is a powerful magical tool�use it to create the changes you desire in your life.
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Hermetic Bibliography
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Mastering Witchcraft
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Paul Hudson. This book is a practical how to guide for those who are interested in witchcraft as a practice. This book is for those who are serious about witchcraft as a practical, hands on, practice
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Astrology and Marriage
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The Influence of Planetary Action in Courtship and Married Life
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[ recommended ] The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies by Guiley & Imbrogno
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If you fear one thing in life, fear the djinn. This groundbreaking book presents the findings of Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip J. Imbrogno�s investigation into the powerful and mysterious interdimensional beings known as djinn or genies. It reveals what the djinn are, where they can be found�and their hidden agenda against the human race.
Working with material compiled from a variety of sources�including their own case files, Middle Eastern lore, the Qur�an, teachings of Islamic scholars, and the latest theories in quantum physics�the authors explore the relationship between the djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, and extraterrestrials. They discuss the military�s interest in these clandestine beings, offer eyewitness accounts of modern human encounters with the djinn, and reveal the location of interdimensional entry points in North America.
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[ recommended ] The Book of Vodou: Charms and Rituals to Empower Your Life
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Vodou is magic. But it's also much more! It's a religion of charms and rituals intended to empower life and bring good fortune to those who practice it. Vodou is a deeply spiritual and visually dazzling religion encompassing rituals, songs, and dances evoking spirits that believers recognize as part of nature. This engrossing account traces its origins in Africa to its full development in the West Indies island of Haiti. It also presents ways readers can use Vodou to enrich their own lives in terms of love, luck, and prosperity. The Book of Vodou covers all-important aspects of its intriguing subject, and brings many Vodou spirits fully alive with vivid, often humorous descriptions. Readers learn how to build their own magic altar and invoke Vodou spirits, how to make charms and amulets, and how to work spells and read signs of divination. More than 120 full-color illustrations.
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Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians
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Science Of Breath
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Few people are aware of the true power of breath. They takeit for granted despite the fact that it is the most essentialfunction for life. This book may allow one, for the first time, totruly understand this power and what it can do. A power can begenerated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana,chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Throughextended practice amazing things can be performed that wouldotherwise be unheard of including inhibiting pain, self-healing,healing others, controlling blood flow to areas needing energy,recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water beforedrinking it, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmutingenergy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and muchmore. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that willamaze and invigorate the reader
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Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings
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You will find signs and symbols and early chemistry that has not been seen or used by the mainstream public since the fifteenth century. This is worthwhile for any occultist or anyone interested in the history of alchemy.
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Psych1c Sex Command Book I
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This is Psychic Sexual Command only. It has all the excellent training in psychic commanding without Book II in the series.
Do not let the title fool you, This is the finest psychic domination system ever offered, using secret methods developed by Yogis and Taoist Masters.
Tested for over 20 years by Dr. Yates Canipe (success and life coach, author of several books and offers seminars around the world) and Ross Jeffries (well known Seduction Expert, author of several books and courses) with fantastic results!!
No special tools or silly machines needed for this system. Only your mind and practice is required.
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365 Goddess
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The wisdom of hundreds of goddesses from all around the world, symbolising love, fertility, healing, peace, and more, are revealed and honoured in the pages of 365 Goddess, a daily guide to drawing on the ancient feminine aspects of the divine for inspiration, empowerment, and spiritual sustenance. A compact and irresistible volume, it is the ideal gift for goddess fans and anyone looking for new ways to celebrate each day.
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