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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Shows: 22 - 42 of 123, Page: << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>



  • The Art of Talking to Anyone

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  • 23
  • The Unsacred Texts Of The Koton

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    You are about to discover the most evil, vile and disgusting book ever written. It may even be the words of Satan himself! Did Lucifer actually write this shocking and unbelievable ancient text ? You are one of the first human beings to actually experience the ancient wisdom contained in this most unholy of books comprised of texts that may even predate history itself. So powerful and so terrifying that it may have already lead strong willed men to madness... Forget the child's play of fantasy with books like the Necronomicon....

    The Unsacred Texts Of The Koton, presented here for the first time in electronic book form gives you the power to discover and master long suppressed ancient sorcery for yourself. Unearthed during the turbulent 1960's, this strange and perverse ancient compendium is both evil and beyond pornographic in its vicious and visceral raw sexual power. Learn for yourself what may very well be the writings of the devil himself.

  • 24
  • The Necromantic Ritual Book

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    For many, ritual is a way to formally connect with specific currents of energy. The rituals in this book are intended to align one's soul with the "Death Energy". One might ask, what is "Death Energy"? Simply expressed, it is the current of transition. The workings in this unique book will permit the magician to bask in the "lifeforce" of the Angel of Death. Successful working of any of these devotions will enable you to share consciousness with the Angel of Death on an intimate level, as well as becoming "one" with your own death. Chapters include; "Getting To Know You", simple exercises to get comfortable in Death's presence, "Connecting With the Death Energy", "The Summoning of Shadows", "A Note on Temples", (the finest temples call to us, we need not erect them in a physical sense.) "Accessing The Gates", "Ritual Sculpting", (creating the perfect golem and animating it through empowerment rituals) and "High Necromancy", not for the faint of heart nor the fearful. These are rites of passion and devotion for the accomplished and sincere practitioner. The Necromantic Ritual Book is a lamp unto the realm of shadows, dispelling fear with understanding.

  • 25
  • Liber Falxifer Vol I: The Book of the Left-Handed Reaper

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    Liber Falxifer is the long awaited book that reveals the secret teachings of the Necrosophic Cult within the Current 218. This book of the Scythe-Bearer provides a solid theoretical, historical and mythical foundation for the Cult of the Left-Handed Reaper, and offers clear instruction for ritual practice connected to both the folk-magical tradition, as well as the more sinister, hidden line of traditional witchcraft connected to the Cult of the Skeletal Lord of the Bloody Scythe. The basis for the various forms of magic presented in Liber Falxifer is a dark form of telestic fetishism steeped in the forbidden and concealed traditions of both necromantia and necromageia, as practiced within the many clandestine magical paths connected to the Lord of All Graves.

    The grimoire is broken out into two parts, the first of which is a discussion of the relevant aspects of the exoteric Latin American Cult of the Lord of Death. Topics offer insight into the origins of the Cult and the different forms of the open and closed Cults of the Master, the various altar setups and their significance, the specific traditional offerings given to the Lord of Death, the empowered talismans and fetishes used within magical practice, the different methods of consecration, traditional spells and rituals for magical protection, revitalization and malediction, and a curse to bring death to one's foes.

    The second part of Liber Falxifer focuses entirely on the more esoteric aspects of the Hidden Cult of Death, first noting that its essence is partially expressed through some of the same symbolism used within the folk-magical practice, but then taking matters much deeper into the darkness of the mysteries of the Sinistral Death, presenting not only an esoteric crossing between the two cults, but a complete system of practical Necrosophic Sorcery. Amongst the topics discussed are the pagan roots of the Master of Death, His true identity as it is understood within the Templum Falcis Cruentis, His many names of power and various aspects and manifestations, the Formula of Calling and Invocation to the Lord of the Scythe, the esoteric ritual for the ensouling of the altar statues of the Left-Handed Harvester, the workings with the altars used within the esoteric line of practice, the many different talismanic symbols, sorcerous insignia and the Key Sigils of Death, the buying of soil from the dead, the mysteries of Death's fell garden, the creation of fetish-skulls and the many different ways that they can be employed within the Necrosophic practice, the magic of tobacco and the secret tincture of its great daemonic shade, the Rosaries of Death and their construction, the Altar of the Dead and the veneration of the shades of the True and Secret Ancestry, the Sigil of Resurrection and instructions for the creation of a Spirit Box used to house the shadow of the dead, the Sceptre of the Shadow of Death and its creation and consecration, and much more.

  • 26
  • Liber Falxifer Vol II: Book of Anamlaqayin

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    The Second Book of Master Falxifer will delve further into the Necrosophic mysteries of Qayin, but will also cast a black light on some crucial aspects previously hinted at and at the same time veiled, in the first book of the Left-Handed Reaper. One of these all-important aspects concerns the identity of and the gnosis granted by the Hidden Mother of Our Bloodline, the Bride of Qayin.

    The Second Book of Falxifer shall continue where the First Book left off, as the purpose of all the publications of the Templum Falcis Cruentis is to make available the initiatic tools needed by Those of the Blood in order to awaken and set ablaze their slumbering Pneumatic Flames.

    The Second Book will once again present an extensive set of both worded and wordless manifestations of Sorcerous Gnosis and provide access to previously hidden keys to both low and high forms of Necrosophic Nigromancy, Necromancy, Ancestral Veneration, Herbal Demonology and give new detailed instruction about how the powers of the insignias, talismans and fetishes of the Lord of the Harvest can be further employed in order to achieve both temporal and spiritual power, victory and transcendence, all by walking in the fiery and blessed footsteps of the First Ones who traversed the Paths of Nod.

    Some of the topics presented within the Second Book of Our Master are: esoteric discourses revealing the mythic foundation of our Qayinitic Gnosticism, the Hidden Bride of Qayin, Her secret formulas of Calling and Names of Power, Her sigils of both high and low sorcery, the unified and transcendent aspect of the Twin-Flame of Sataninsam, the Dark Dead and their hidden and most fearful aspects, the cleansing, protective and empowering baths, the herbal formulas and activations of the 7 Key Sigils of Death, the Mysteries of the Black In Green, exploring the powers of the First Tiller and the workings of the Esoteric Sigil of the Green Skull, the rites of protection and concealment, instructions concerning the creation and employing of the Qayinitic Bone Talismans (i.e. Pays), specific fetishes of some of the most important aspects of the Master, like for example the Fetish of the Lord of the Mound and the Skull of the First Harvester, the role of the First Dead within the Cult and His Sigils of Calling, talismanic work against the law, the ensouling Tinctures of Qayin and His Rose-Crowned Bride, the secret Kelim of Baaltzelmoth, the Grand Kliffotic Sigil of the King of the Ravens of Death, further teachings concerning the Mighty Dead and the workings of the Altar of the Dead, prayers, invocations and talismanic forms used for the channelling of the powers of both the soul and the spirit of Qayin and much more.

    Those who have faithfully and correctly worked with and internalized the teachings offered in the First Book of the Left-Handed Reaper will, in this Second Book of our Holy Saint of Death, receive the instruction needed to further experience the initiatic empowerments, blessings and curses of our Necrosophic Tradition.

  • 27
  • Magickal Formulary by Herman Slater

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    Learn how to make all the famous and infamous potions, incenses, powders, oils, baths, sprays, and floor washes from primitive Haiti to Imperial France!

    This Master of Secret Potions gives you the uses of each formula and lists all the never before published ingredients, including authentic recipes and spells obtained from the Mediterranean and Caribbean traditions. Herman describes the importance of many crucial magick ritual ingredients.


  • 28
  • Daoist Magical Transformation Skills

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    This new book contains the esoteric theories and secret training of the following magical skills:
    Transformation Skills of Daoist Sorcery, Two Types of Magical Transformation Skill, The Magical Transformation of Man, Observing the Present Meditation, Psychometry, Clairaudience, Transferring Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Perceiving a Person’s Destiny, Seeing Spirits and Having Visions, Dream Magic, Dream Magic Training, Herbs Used To Induce Lucid Dreaming, Mind Magic, Illusionary Magic, Invisibility, Three Types of Invisibility Skills, Suspended Animation, Walking Through Walls, Soul Travel, Teleportation, Bilocation, Shape-Shifting Magic, Methods of Shape-Shifting, The Magical Transformation of External Things, Defense Magic, Healing Magic, Sex Magic, Materialization, Telekinesis, Contracting the Land, Constructing a River by Drawing a Line on the Ground, Wrapping Up The Heavens, Weather Magic, Divination Magic, Corpse Magic, Transferring a Soul, Stealing the Soul of a Coma Victim, Rituals Used In Corpse Magic In Order to Obtain a Spirit Helper, Energy, Spirit, and Soul Projection, Qi and Thought Projection, Shadow Magic Training,Three Types of Soul Projection, Five Phases of Soul Travel, Soul Projection Training, Imagination Techniques, Respiration Techniques, Mantra Sound Techniques, Advanced Soul Projection and Shape-Shifting Techniques, Communicating in the Spirit World, Encountering Spirit Beings, Stages of Spiritual Development, Introduction to Daoist Sex Magic, Three Stages of Relationship, Levels of Intimacy, Applications of Sex Magic, Using Sexual Magic for Energy Cultivation, Sexual Postures and Techniques, Sex Magic Rituals, Deity Magic and Sex Magic, Sex With An Succubus or Incubus, Sexual Encounters With Walk-Ins, Group Sex Magic, Blood Magic and Sex Magic, Blood Sacrifices and Group Sex Magic, Tonic Herbal Formulas, Aphrodisiacs, and Ancient Chinese Love Spells and Hexes.

  • 29
  • A Course in Time Travel

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    Multidimensional Consciousness


  • 30
  • Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual by Genevieve Lewis Paulson

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    For the newcomer to Kundalini and the chakras, this book is a blessing. It provides detailed instructions for initiating preliminary system-cleansing in preparation for release. Because Kundalini energy is sometimes so potent that its "human module" finds it difficult to function in daily routine and commitments, the author provides methods for moderating or holding its release in check. With personal-scale evolution suddenly on a strident quanturn-track, there is a great need for guidance to soften transitions between our various states of being in our process of evolution. Knowing and understanding Kundalini does make the process much easier on body, mind, and spirit

  • 31
  • Egyptian Magic by E.A.Wallis Budge

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    Sums up all that is known about magic in Ancient Egypt: the role of magic in controlling the gods, powerful amulets that warded off evil spirits, scarabs of immortality, use of wax images, formulas and spells, the secret name, much more.


  • 32
  • Hebrew is Greek

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    A book that "mysteriously disappeared" soon after its publication. A comparative study demonstration that Hebrew and Greek are the same language. Rare. Secondhand hardcopy sells for $2,492.00 in


  • 33
  • A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic

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    Marian Green. Written for serious practitioners, Marian Green's Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic guides those who wish to learn the "old religion" without the aid of a coven. Densely written in a serious tone, Witch Alone is nonetheless an inspiring and poetic read. Exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to take a full 28 nights to accomplish, and are designed to progressively lead one down the path to success. Worshippers of the goddess and those interested in exploring the deeper aspects of their own souls will find this tome deeply informative, but for the neo-pagan committed to learning solitary witchcraft, Witch Alone is a must-read.

  • 34
  • Herman Slater - Magickal Formulary Spellbook Book I

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    Fellow Sorcerers. Magicians, and Witches; this Grimoure was collected to help all the sincere practitioners out there. There are fragments in print of many of these formulae, but nowhere are they all listed until this book.Learn how to make all the famous and infamous potions, incenses, powders, oils, baths, sprays, and floorwashes from primative Haiti to Imperial France! This MASTER BOOK of SECRET POTIONS gives you the uses of each formula and lists all the never before published ingredients, including authentic recipes and spells obtained from the Mediterranean and Caribbean traditions.

    Rituals & Spells & Potions such as:
    Health Rituals
    Good Luck Spells
    Love Rituals
    Lover Spells (more than 15)
    Success Spells
    Gamblers' Rituals
    Money Drawing Rituals
    Separation Rituals
    Protection Rituals
    Legal Aid Spells
    Wandering Lover Spells
    Gay Female Love Spells
    Gay Male Love Spells
    Uncrossing Rituals
    Black Arts Spell (with Karmic Disclaimer)
    Come To Me (Warning - use with care)
    Dreams of Delight
    Incense Attraction
    Health Oil
    Money Oil
    VOODOO Night Perfume Oil
    Satyre Oil
    More than 15 LOVE FORMULARIES
    and many, many others...

    Also included is the Formulary Cross Reference

  • 35
  • Papa Jim's Herbal Book

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    Papa Jim is a famous healer and root doctor. Here he brings you this compilation of remedies and potions from all over the world. Share the secret recipes that have mystically solved the problems of many of Papa Jim`s devotees, and learn how to unleash the magical powers of herbs.

    With easy to follow instructions learn how to make: Herbal Baths Mojo Bags Sprinkling Powders Incense Teas All for Love, luck, Sex, Money Drawing, Gambling, Protection, Hex Breaking, Jinx Removing, and much more! A 107 page soft cover work book, it also includes an English to Spanish / Spanish to English translation for over 150 common herbs!

  • 36
  • Lycanthropy: A Handbook of Werewolfism

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    This book contains the basic elements for exploration into a fascinating, yet largely untouched, facet of occultism; Lycanthropy (Werewolfism)


  • 37
  • [ recommended ] W.E. Butler - The Magician: His Training and Work

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    A very good book on magicaltheory and practice from the basis of magic, magnetism, thesubconscious, visualisaton, words of power, talismanic magic tothe tree of life, and in this it is accesible even to absolutenew-commers to the subject, although technicalities make it alittle dense even to the experienced reader. A must for studentsof the occult and arm-chair and practical magicians alike!


  • 38
  • Herman Slater - Magickal Formulary Spellbook Book II

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    A companion volume, to the Magickal Formulary Spellbook I to assist in the devising of spells and rites. Written for use by all traditions - any practitioner will find it an invaluable resource. For the beginner and advanced student there are simple and advanced spells and rites. The information and research presented will surely advance you along your path.
    Detailed Ritual Procedures & Exact Diagrams
    290 Classical Voodoo Formulas
    110 Herbs & Their Magickal Meanings
    62 Magickal Herbs and Illustrations
    Voodoo Special Herbs
    How to make your own incense
    14 Spells for Passionate Love
    9 Spells for Romantic Love
    6 Spells for Soothing Love Problems
    5 Spells for Controlling Infidelity
    Talismans & Seals
    Candles & The Colors of Magick
    Specialty Candle Oils & Rituals
    Love Attraction Spell
    2 Spells to Bring Back a Lover
    Envy & Jealousy
    Bring Peace to a Troubled Home Spell
    Keep a Man or Woman Faithful Spell
    Dealing with an Unwanted Lover Spell & Ritual
    Enhance the Romance of a Relationship Spell
    Protection of Love - Spell & Ritual
    How White Magick can be an Alternative to Black

  • 39
  • Files/Witchcraft/witchcraft.pdf

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  • 40
  • [ recommended ] Anna Riva's Candle Burning Magic: A Spellbook of Rituals for Good and Evil

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    Spell Book of Rituals for Good and Evil. Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts, and this book is chock full of any kind of candle burning spell one could want.

    From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, its all here.

    This little volume contains 409 rituals to make things happen in your life.


  • 41
  • The Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work by Michelle Belanger

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    In The Psychic Vampire Codex, Michelle Belanger, author and psychic vampire, introduces readers to the fascinating system of energy work used by vampires themselves and provides the actual codex text widely used by the vampire community for instruction in feeding and other techniques. Belanger also examines the ethics of vampirism and offers readers methods of protection from vampires. The Psychic Vampire Codex explodes all preconceptions and myths about who and what psychic vampires really are and reveals a vital and profound spiritual tradition based on balance, rebirth, and an integral relationship with the spirit world.

  • 42
  • Secret History of Modern Witchcraft

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