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Ceremonial Magick

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Ceremonial Magick

  • Shadrach - Occult Encyclopedia of Magick Squares

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    This is no ordinary reprint of common magical squares found in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Not even close! This Occult Encyclopedia contains hundreds of new magical squares based on secret esoteric techniques developed by master sages of the ancient Near East. Did you know that there are four forms of each magic square corresponding with each of the Elements? Did you know that from each square you can extract up to 8 Angels and 8 Genies that are specific to THAT square? Did you know there is a secret mathematical code embedded in all magic squares? There is much more to the art of magic squares than even the most seasoned modern-day ceremonial magician is aware of. The Occult Encyclopedia of Magical Squares contains information that will make a difference in how you approach talismanic magic. It also contains hundreds of ready and finished squares for: Archangels and Angels of the Zodiac Archangels and Angels of the Planets Planetary Intelligences and Spirits Olympic Spirits Lords of Zodiacal Triplicities by Day and Night Angels Ruling the 12 Houses Angels of Astrological Decanates and Quinances You will get hundreds of magic squares to facilitate the evocation and aid of over 200 spiritual beings. This book is a must-have for serious seekers, no matter which magical tradition you follow.

  • David Goddard - The Ceremonial of Jupiter: The Prosperity Ritual

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    Generally speaking, the only powerful rituals are those worked within closed lodges and esoteric schools. Now everyone can share in these powerful rituals, because David Goddard, an initiated-adept and Lineage holder of the Western Esoteric Tradition has drawn on his years of experience working high grade ceremonies and teaching ritual magic to give you this Ceremonial of Jupiter. We have made this publication as 'Ritual friendly' as possible. We have made the text size bigger than usual so that the legibility is good in a ritual setting, often performed by candle-light. In ritual, intention is everything; so be clear about your motivation. If you use your intention to enhance Life, you will benefit, and so will others. We dedicate any merit from this Ceremonial Series to the fulfillment of all humanity.

  • David Griffin - Ritual Magic Manual: A Complete Course in Practical Magic

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    This book is something alot of people have been waiting for. A simple, down to Earth guide on how to utilize the forces of the elements, the planets, the zodical signs, the sephiroth on the tree of life and even the misunderstood "demonic" forces of the qulipoth. David Griffin writes in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, that makes this book much better for practical use than most books on the subject. The author starts with basic rituals like the Lesser banishing rituals of the Pentagram and hexagram, the middle pillar exercise and the Rose Cross Ritual, them guides the reader through rituals designed to invoke and banish any force from the elemental level to the sephirotic level.

  • The Practical Angel Magic of John Dees Enochian Tables

    Downloaded: 11 times | Size: 294 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

  • [ recommended ] The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princess

    Downloaded: 71 times | Size: 256 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This classic text of the Nine Great Keys by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine details the invocation of the Archangels, the full hierarchy of spiritual beings (including Olympic Spirits and Elementals) and the evocation of the four Demon Princes.

    Highly sought-after, this edition of a rare early seventeenth century grimioire has never before appeared in English. Occult scholar Stephen Skinner, along with magician and author David Rankine, trace the history of the Keys and offer full transcriptions of four key seventeenth century manuscripts in the British Library and in the Bodleian Library.

  • The Veritable Key of Solomon

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  • [ recommended ] Frater Barrabbas - Mastering the Art Of Ritual Magick - Complete Volume: 1-3

    Downloaded: 67 times | Size: 3 PDFs (612 pages) | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Mastering the Art of Ritual Magic series: a new paradigm for the practice of magick.

    This is a new Grimoire for a New Age for the magickal explorer willing to seek out that �love which moves the sun and the other stars.�

    This omnibus edition contains all three volumes of Frater Barrabbas�s acclaimed Mastering the Art of Ritual Magick series; a comprehensive work on how to create a personal magickal system.

    While suitable for readers already having a few years� experience with magick, the series is also ideal for diligent practitioners of any level who seek to develop a complete, customized magickal system.

    Volume 1's -Foundation- establishes the basic practices and sets the magician on the path to knowledge and experience. Volume 2's, -Grimoire- is based upon a set of nine rituals used to build up a complete Wiccan or Pagan ritual magick regimen, including elemental magick within a seasonal and monthly periodic cycle, and volume 3's -The Greater Key-, presents a system of correspondences that the magician builds up with his or her own personalized symbology.

    Together, these volumes present a thorough and enlightening system that will enrich the magickal lives of any dedicated practitioner.

  • Wang - The Secret Temple

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    A classic treatise on the occult written in consultation with thelate Israel Regardie. This small book contains all that isrequired to produce a symbolically accurate temple and a full setof instruments for use in the rituals of the Hermetic Order of theGolden Dawn. Full color photographs of the temple and of theinstruments, as well as the precise hieroglyphs appear in thiswork. Instructions are given for the construction of the altar,pillars, Enochian tablets, Rose Cross Lamen, wands, etc. Thedifficult sigils have been worked out completely by the author.

  • Magical Theory and Tradition by Marcus Cordey

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  • The Key to Solomon's Key: Secrets of Magic and Masonry

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    Sketching out a fascinating network of historic figures, cults, and Christendom, this book by an occult studies expert and respected authority on magic and sorcery takes western spiritual traditions seriously?but examines them with common sense and self-effacing humor. Working backward from the Freemasons to one of their original orders, the 14th-century Knights Templar, the account considers sorcery, heresy, and intrigues; explores the legend that the Knights possessed a powerful secret dangerous to the Church of Rome; and finds an essential clue to the order's practices in their connection to the biblical Solomon, king of Israel in the 10th century B. C.

  • Manual of Occultism - Sephariel

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    Contents: The Occult Sciences; Astrology; Palmistry; Thaumaturgic Art; Hypnotism and Mesmerism; Divination; The Tarot; Cartomancy; Crystal Gazing; Visions; Geomancy; Casting; Psychometry; Dreams; Alchemy.

  • The Book of the Black Serpent

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  • Meditation with the Archangel Auriel

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  • Meditation with the Archangel Gabriel

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  • Meditation with the Archangel Raphael

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  • The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Air

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  • The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Earth

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  • The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Fire

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  • The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Water

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  • The Prayers of the Elementals

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  • The Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (SBRP)

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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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Universal Circle

Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical appearance, including angels, demons, gods, elementals, planetary intelligences, dead humans, and more.

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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

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I'll show you the exact steps and specific pathworkings to help you be more successful with ritual magick and your Ascent to Godhood - and you don't need special genetics or fancy initiations to do it...
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Circle of Solomon

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Interviews With A Magus

Watch interviews of the most powerful magicians in the world, as they tell "war stories" and reveal closely-guarded occult secrets.

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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Attract Studio
... Create your own Attraction Movies - and manifest your ideal life!


Five Rituals

 ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!


Quantum Cookbook

 ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting!


Advanced Cosmic Ordering
... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!


Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X







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