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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Shows: 400 - 420 of 500, Page: << < 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 > >>



  • EgyptianMagic

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 17 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 401
  • Golden Dawn Audios 2: Awareness and Relaxation

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 18.9MB zipped 2 tracks of .MP3s | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

     The second CD contains:
    1. Awareness
    2. Relaxatio


  • 402
  • Qabala: Vol 3

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 190 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    by Jean Dubuis. Consists of 72 lessons in 3 volumes. The material is largely practical instruction, and differs from most information found in popular books on the subject. This course is rather concentrated and does require some work, however, it provides teachings that are often spread out over a period of thirty or more years. Clear and concise theoretical presentation of the Qabalistic world view, The manipulation of the Universal Energy to produce an energetic and spiritual evolution of the body, The use of rituals which allow one to act selectively on the psychic energies to reestablish the preliminary balance needed for Inner Initiation, The study of the paths of the Tree of Life to assist the individual in understanding their level of Inner Initiation and to progress further on their Path, Practical aspects of Qabala

  • 403
  • William G. Gray - The Ladder of Lights: A Step by Step Guide to the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds of the Qabalists Including the Angelic and Archangelic Realms

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 230 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Gray takes a step-by-step look at the Ten Sephiroth and their traditional attributions in each of the Four Qabalistic Worlds. A relatively simple, no-nonsense approach to modern Qabalism. It uses simple language, and very clever symbolism to explain the workings of it. It analyzes each of the ten Sephiroth from each of the Four Qabalistic worlds, providing the reader with something sorely missed in Dion Fortune's classic book on the subject.

    The Tree of Life is growing, flexible and adaptable life pattern capable of indefinite extensions throughout all states of existence. The Qabalah, or "received teachings," is the outcome of experiences of those who have climbed the ladder of the Tree by arranging their lives according to its pattern of perfection. The Tree provides the means of receiving inner world contacts with types of consciuosness normally inaccessible to the ordinary human mind--it is from and through these sources that the "teaching" comes. Here William Gray has presented a step by step guide to the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds of the Qabalahs--the worlds of contemplation, meditation, magic and daily action. The Tree of Life is a means and not an end. It is a map for helping you attain the single objective common to all systems, mysteries and religions--namely, the mystical union of humanity and divinity.

  • 404
  • Richard Harding - Porn Star Secrets

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 19 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Best kept secrets of the porn industry for penis enlargement, erection strength and ejaculatory control


  • 405
  • Djinn Summoning by Dalida Carta

    Downloaded: 53 times | Size: 106 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    In this book you will learn,almost all what I know on the Djinns and Exorcism!Djinn Summoning Introduction, Believers Djinns, Proof that solomon had Djinn to its service, Summoning a Djinn Formula, Djinn Picture,Formula to summona specific Djinn, Enchant your Personal Djinn/Genie, More Djinn Binding Formel Introduction, More Djinn Binding Formel,Hou to contact with your Djinn,Hou to do a contact with a Djinn incense, How to do a Astral Travel Incense, Colors of Orbs, How to do a Meditations Incense, How to do a Dream Incense, Exorcism Introduction, Catholic exorcism, Exorcism Formulates invocativ,Mandatory Formula, Great exorcism, Sprinkle of the blessed Water, Litanies of the Saints, Imposition of the hands, Renunciation, Profession of Faith, The gentleman's Prayer, The sign of the Cross,Formulas of Exorcism, Invocativa Formulates, Mandatory Formula, Rite of Conclusion, Evangelical exorcism.

  • 406
  • Files/Witchcraft/witchcraft.pdf

    Downloaded: 52 times | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • 407
  • OTO Rituals & Sex Magick (Part II)

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 93 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Part Two of IHO's (Mandrake Press) 1999 publication. Gives a detailed account of the guiding principals and constitutions of the O.T.O


  • 408
  • Introduction by Aleister Crowley

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  • 409
  • [ recommended ] Stanislav Grof - The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of HumanConsciousness and How They Shape Our Lives

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 260 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Stansilav Grof writes about non-ordinairy states of consciousnessfrom the perspective on one who has experienced them. He exploresthree transpersonal realms: 1) "within" everyday reality, 2)"beyond" everyday reality, & 3) the "psychoid" realm. The authorcontends that experiential patterns he calls "Basic PerinatalMatrices" (BMPs) of which there are four, constitute the guidingforces within our lives. These patterns are specific andindividualized to each human being, they are the "psychospiritualblueprints" that guide the experiences in our lives from anemotional and spiritual standpoint. These guiding forces can beaccessed through altered states of consciousness. There arearchetypes and symbolic experiences all human beings share basedon the BMPs - these relate to "birth-death" experiences, artisticexpression, spiritual symbolism/imagery and several othercategories. The book connects/links humans based on their onecommon experience: physical birth and how it relates to theremainder of the human journey of life. It explores humantranspersonal reality which is the core basis of life ... This isan excellent psychological treatise on a complex and controversialsubject. Highly recommended reading!

  • 410
  • Poke Runyon - The Magick of Solomon

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 521MB zipped movie file | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Companion to the above book. An 80 minutes video documentary written and narrated by anthropologist and ceremonial magician, Carroll "Poke" Runyon, Magister of America's oldest continually operating Magical Lodge, the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.). The first part of the video offers a history of Western Magick, illustrated with graphics and displays, setting forth the author's theory, based on his own research and experiments, that visions of spirits obtained by magicians in medieval times were subjective and hypnotic rather than hysterical hallucinations. Runyon holds that the practical technique for achieving this was the visual distortion which occurs when a person stares at his or her reflection in a dark mirror. This technique is demonstrated and visions are simulated. The relationship of the "72 Rebellious Spirits" contained in King Solomon's legendary "Brass Vessel" to the Holy Angels who control them is explained and a hypnotic method for invoking these Angels into a Crystal Ball is demonstrated. According to the narrator, these two systems should be integrated for a proper spiritual balance. The video climaxes with the presentation of a complete Goetia Evocation Operation, in full ceremonial regalia, summoning the spirit Astaroth (actually the Canaanite Goddess, Astarte) to visual appearance in the dark mirror on the Triangle of Art.

  • 411
  • Carl Nagel - Latin The Language of Magic

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    Latin was the language used by magicians in medieval times and is still employed in some secret occult lodges today. This booklet by Carl Nagel reveals for the very first time some of the secret Latin words of power for attracting love, riches and power. Latin is easy to pronounce and you will be able to use the words immediately you have read this booklet. You need absolutely no experience in Latin and nor does it matter if you mispronounce the words. You only have to read from this booklet to get the results you seek.

    Contents include: Money Saturation Ritual... Punishing An Enemy... Attracting Love... Protection Against Psychic Attack... How To Experience Erotic Dreams... The King Solomon Power Spell.

    This is the only publication anywhere, that we know of, dealing exclusively with Latin spells and incantations. This is secret knowledge which no occult student should be without. An added bonus is that no oils, candles or incenses are required (with the exception of "Punishing An Enemy" which requires two candles). You only need this booklet and the will to get what you want.

  • 412
  • Daoist Mineral Magic

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 150 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This ancient manual includes many esoteric practices traditionally used in ancient Daoist sorcery.

    Its contents are as follows:
    Study of the Realm of Minerals, Introduction to the Alchemical Transformations of Minerals, History of Magical and Medicinal Rocks, Formation of Minerals and Crystals, Minerals in Traditional Chinese Pharmacology, Absorbing the Healing Properties of Gems, Creating Gem Ens Elixirs, Cleansing the Crystal With Sunlight, Moonlight, Flowing Water or Earth, Ritualistic Cleansing and Incantations, Charging a Stone, Storage and Care of the Gem Elixir, Dose and Administration, Toxic Stones, Planetary Gem Elixirs, the Categorization of Planetary Gem Elixirs and Specific Powers, Lapidary (the Secret Powers of Rocks and Gems), the Magical Qualities of Gemstones and Minerals, Magical Defenses Using Minerals and Stones, Ritual Cleansing, Purifying the Altar Room, Summoning the Celestial Immortals, Using Breath Incantations to Open, Imprint, and Activate a Magical Stone, Ending the Ritual and Closing the Magical Ceremony, the Magical Energetic Properties of Gemstone Formulas, Divination Using A White Jade Ball, Healing With Crystals, Prayer Beads (Malas), Using the Prayer Stone Beads, Types of Prayer Beads, Using Malas As An Oracle, Using Malas to Ward Off Ghosts, Magical Stone Rings, Imprisoning a Spirit in a Magic Ring, Other Techniques Using Magical Rings, Magic Stone Talismans, Secret Powers of metals, Planetary metals, Spirit Rocks, Good Energetic Rocks, Evil Energetic Rocks, Element Rocks, Energy Regulators, Sacred Stone Formations, Gathering Qi from Caves, History of Cave Meditation, Preparation for Cave Meditation, and Guidelines for Cave Training.

  • 413
  • Psych1c Sex Command Book I

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 104 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This is Psychic Sexual Command only. It has all the excellent training in psychic commanding without Book II in the series.

    Do not let the title fool you, This is the finest psychic domination system ever offered, using secret methods developed by Yogis and Taoist Masters.

    Tested for over 20 years by Dr. Yates Canipe (success and life coach, author of several books and offers seminars around the world) and Ross Jeffries (well known Seduction Expert, author of several books and courses) with fantastic results!!

    No special tools or silly machines needed for this system.
    Only your mind and practice is required.

  • 414
  • Chi Kung: Way of Power by Master Lam Kam Chuen

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 161 pages - illustrated | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Benefits of stimulating the flow of chi are well known in Eastern cultures. Now, for the first time in print in the Western world, Master Lam Kam Chuen presents this advanced method for improving focus, breathing, and creativity. The practice of chi kung is founded on the five energies system of Chinese philosophy. Through Master Chuen's careful direction, you will master key positions and movements that will boost your energy, decrease stress, stave off illness, and enhance your overall fitness.

  • 415
  • The Art Of Drawing Spirits Into Crystals

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    Secret Things andDoctrine of Spirits - Johannes Trithemius


  • 416
  • Beginning Ocult Magic

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  • 417
  • KaMoD BoS

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 10 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Some text and spells on Necromanc


  • 418
  • Monsters and Magical sticks - There's no such thing as Hypnosis (Hypno-NLP) by Steven Heller, Ph.D. & Terry Steele (Intro by Robert Anton Wilson a.k.a. RAW)

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 98 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    anyone interested in hypnosis, or NLP, or both, this is one of those rare books You simply Must Have.


  • 419
  • Pranayama in 3 easy steps

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 2 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 420
  • Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition: Part 1

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 352 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    A Complete Curriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group. Regardless of your magickal knowledge or background, you can learn and live the Golden Dawn Tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn Initiation. This book offers self paced instruction by the established authorities on this magickal order. For the first time ever, the esoteric rituals of the Golden Dawn are clearly laid out in step by step guidance that's clear and easy to follow. You need no prerequisite for mastering this highly sought-after curriculum. Your learning is enhanced by written examinations. daily rituals, and meditative work. Upon completion of this workbook, you can be a practicing Golden Dawn magician with knowledge of qabalah, astrology, tarot, geomancy, and spiritual alchemy. Become a Golden Dawn magician through the most comprehensive and scientific system on Golden Dawn study.

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