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  • A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

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    If you have ever wondered if there is more to religion than ancient rituals, then this book is for you. If you have already come to the realization that Wicca is the religion for you, then this book will help fill in those many blanks that have been left by other books. Making no attempt to dictate religious dogma or routine, the author illustrates the many issues a person's religion should address and shows how he has found answers to those issues through the practice of a modern religion, which has, in part, been structured on some of the oldest principles of the ancient world. He examines the four stages of life from this perspective. Maiden and Master - Birth, Wiccaning, and Self-Dedication. Mother and Father - Initiation, Mating Customs, and Pregnancy. Crone and Sage - Grandchildren, Suicide, and Death. Middle Ground - Reincarnation, Summerland, and Winterland.

  • A Home Study Course in Wicca

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  • A Complete Handbook of Nature Cures

    Downloaded: 147 times | Size: 265 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The first and most basic principle of nature cure is that all forms of disease are due to the same cause, namely, the accumulations of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. These waste materials in the healthy individual are removed from the system through the organs of elimination. But in the diseased person, they are steadily piling up in the body through years of faulty habits of living such as wrong feeding, improper care of the body and habits contributing to enervation and nervous exhaustion such as worry, overwork and excesses of all kinds. It followsfrom this basic principle that the only way to cure disease is to employ methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations. All natural treatments are actually directed towards this end.

  • A Brief History of Wicca

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    Sally Morningstar and Peter Mills

  • 365 Goddess

    Downloaded: 379 times | Size: 454 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The wisdom of hundreds of goddesses from all around the world, symbolising love, fertility, healing, peace, and more, are revealed and honoured in the pages of 365 Goddess, a daily guide to drawing on the ancient feminine aspects of the divine for inspiration, empowerment, and spiritual sustenance. A compact and irresistible volume, it is the ideal gift for goddess fans and anyone looking for new ways to celebrate each day.


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    * These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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