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  • The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences Edited by Robert Anton Wilson and Frank C. Keil

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    The state-of-the-art knowledge about knowledge is contained within the MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Its 471 comprehensive entries cover topics as diverse as "Hemispheric Specialization," "Epiphenomenalism," and "Algorithms" in 1,000 to 1,500 words each, thoroughly cross-indexed and extensively referenced to launch further research. A few biographical entries are also included, highlighting such giants as Alan Turing and Santiago Ram?n y Cajal. The editors selected their contributors well, assigning "Neurobiology of Consciousness" to Christof Koch and Francis Crick, for example. Even better, six longer essays introduce the Encyclopedia, each providing an overview of one of the six disciplines that overlap to form cognitive science: computational intelligence; culture, cognition, and evolution; linguistics and language; neurosciences; philosophy; and psychology. These are enormously helpful to the researcher, as they are general enough to allow easy entry but still meaty enough to be useful themselves and as pointers to specific entries. The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, while not a casual entry into the field, is an essential addition to the reference shelf for anyone seriously interested in AI, consciousness, or other aspects of natural and artificial brains.

  • Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets

    Downloaded: 144 times | Size: 199 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    This book is very rare. It gives you all the information you need to know about ANCIENT AND FORBIDDEN SECRETS: From Abraham to Zedekias, it consists of 199 pages of occult and religious information. It has an alphabetical listing of terms, organizations, people and more.

  • Encyclopedia Of Hinduism

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    This is an immensely important book for Westerners. As a Westerner who became interested in Eastern spiritual teachings thirty years ago, I was appalled to discover then, my own ignorance and the ignorance of others in the West about Hinduism and its spinoff, Buddhism, the principal Eastern religions. There is even today in the West, thirty years later, a vacuum of knowledge about Hinduism. The Encyclopedia of Hinduism by professors Jones and Ryan helps to fill this vacuum in a simple, straightforwsrd way. The entries are arranged alphabetically, and one can find information on the key concepts in Hinduism along with biographical and other information about the key historical and contemporary figures in this great world religion. Of even more importance for the Westerner, in my view, is the ten page introduction explaining Hinduism?s origins, its sacred texts, its contemporary situation, and its esoteric aspects sometimes known as Vedanta or Advaita which carry their own entries and typify the thorough nature of this Encyclopedic work. You will not regret owning this book.

  • The Encyclopedia of Mythology

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    A comprehensive Who's Who of the world's mythologies, arranged by tradition for easy reference. Also information on related subjects, such as amulets

  • New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology by Robert Graves

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    Graves points out how myths of origin and eventual extinction vary according to the climate and that one finds a warm celestial afterworld in the north or a fresh flowered Elysian Field in Greece. He also deals with the Akan of Ghana and with Egypt and India. His conclusion is that myth is a dramatic shorthand record of stuff like invasions, migrations, dynastic changes, admission of foreign cults and social reforms. For example, when bread was first introduced in Greece, the myth of Demeter and Triptolemus sanctified its use. The Encyclopedia investigates prehistoric mythology and that of Egypt, Assyro-Babylonia, Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Persia, India, China, Japan, Oceania and that of the Celts, the Teutons, the Amerindians and Africans. It contains 34 colour plates and hundred of black and white illustrations and it concludes with a further reading list divided under different headings reflecting its chapter contents, plus a thorough index.

  • Encyclopedia of World Religions

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    entries cover topics from prehistoric and ancient religions, major contemporary world religions, concepts, symbols, and personages. The entries for major religions are the longest, covering two or three pages and subdivided into sections that

  • Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

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    This authoritative revision on a perennially popular subject is an ambitious, and on all counts successful examination of the culture of ancient Egypt. More than 2000 alphabetically arranged, accessible entries varying in length from a paragraph to several pages accurately discuss topics such as daily life, dynasties and rulers, religion, gods and goddesses, mortuary rituals, dress, language, geography, foods, art, and architecture, etc. The scope of the earlier edition (Facts On File, 1991) has been broadened with coverage of the periods before the unification of Egypt (circa 3000 B.C.E.) and those following the fall of the New Kingdom (in 1070 B.C.E.). There is also material on the discoveries of the sunken cities of Canopus, Heraklion, and Menouthis, and the results of the DNA studies of mummies. In addition, significant documentation of changes on the political, religious, and social landscape of ancient Egypt is provided. Many of the articles are appended with useful see and see-also references and "Suggested Readings." This volume also boasts detailed and precise lists of the names and dates of the kings and queens, deities, and temple sites, and a brief, but user-friendly chronology of Egypt and neighboring cultures. Eighty black-and-white photos with informative captions and readable maps amplify and expand the narrative.

  • Ancient Astronomy - An Encyclopedia of Cosmologies and Myth

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    Long before astronomy was a science, humans used the stars to mark time, navigate, organize planting and dramatize myths. In fact, some lunar calendars date back over 30,000 years. From Stonehenge to Angkor Wat, many of the world's most famous ancient monuments owe their existence to humanity's mastery of and reverence for the night sky. This encyclopaedia draws on archaeological evidence and oral traditions to reveal how prehistoric humans perceived the skies and celestial phenomena. With over 300 entries, it offers a number of ways to approach ancient astronomy, from key examples and case studies worldwide (Stonehenge, Mexican and Egyptian pyramids, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, the Nazca lines in Peru) to general themes (cosmologies, calendars, ancient ideas of space and time, origins of myths, astronomy's fundamental concepts and methods) to the field of archaeoastronomy's defining questions (can ancient sites be dated astronomically? What were the origins of the constellations? How does astrology relate to ancient astronomy?). By revealing the astronomical significance of some of the world's most famous ancient landmarks and enduring myths and by showing how different themes and concepts are connected, the book aims to bring an authoritative perspective to an area often left to speculation and sensationalism.

  • Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca

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    This new edition retains the balanced tone and thorough research of the previous two (The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 1989 and 1999). In more than 480 entries, paranormal expert Guiley covers both historical witchcraft, such as the Salem witches,Santa Fe witches, and Stamford witches of the seventeenth century, and contemporary issues and concerns. Topics such as different types of witchcraft, fairies, folk magic, the occult, pagan practices, voodoo or vodun, spells, demons, charms, and magic circles are clearly defined. Descriptions of beliefs, and rituals connected to witchcraft, and biographies of individuals, both historical and fictional, living and dead (for example, Aleister Crowley, Morgan le Fay, Margaret Alice Murray, and Starhawk), are included. In addition to updates of contemporary biographies, this edition contains new Wicca-related material, as indicated by the addition of the word Wicca to the title. Short lists of further reading, a number of them updated, follow many of the entries. The lengthy bibliography has been expanded and updated as well. Offering a broader perspective than many arcane resources on this popular subject, this volume is suited to casual readers and researchers.

  • Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained Vol 1

    Downloaded: 18 times | Size: 394 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    In 14 chapters, The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained cover broad concepts from "Afterlife Mysteries" to "Invaders from Outer Space." Each chapter begins with an overview and an outline of the topics and subtopics that are covered. Within the chapters, entries are generally arranged in alphabetical order. Each ends with a further reading list called "Delving Deeper." Glossaries are appended to each chapter and cumulated in volume 3. Occasional cross-references appear in bold type within the text to refer the reader to other entries, but since the set does not have a strict A-Z arrangement, one must use the index to determine where those entries are located. Because of the set's topical arrangement, the index is essential. The Steigers, prolific writers on the paranormal, have written an encyclopedia for believers. The volumes are meant to "explore and describe the research of those who take such phenomena seriously." Almost everything from mediumship to crop circles is taken at face value. Even Houdini's attacks on phony mediums are interpreted to suggest he was taking on frauds and not real mediums. Fraud does not appear in the index, nor are alternate suggestions of how phenomena could have occurred presented. Only in a few instances is some skepticism applied. The work covers material of interest to a large segment of the public in a way that is clear and readable. Many works in the "Delving Deeper" sections will provide the beginning student of the paranormal with good starting points. Recommended for medium-size to large public libraries and for academic libraries with comparative religion, folklore, and popular culture collections.

  • Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained Vol 2

    Downloaded: 14 times | Size: 347 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    In 14 chapters, The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained cover broad concepts from "Afterlife Mysteries" to "Invaders from Outer Space." Each chapter begins with an overview and an outline of the topics and subtopics that are covered. Within the chapters, entries are generally arranged in alphabetical order. Each ends with a further reading list called "Delving Deeper." Glossaries are appended to each chapter and cumulated in volume 3. Occasional cross-references appear in bold type within the text to refer the reader to other entries, but since the set does not have a strict A-Z arrangement, one must use the index to determine where those entries are located. Because of the set's topical arrangement, the index is essential. The Steigers, prolific writers on the paranormal, have written an encyclopedia for believers. The volumes are meant to "explore and describe the research of those who take such phenomena seriously." Almost everything from mediumship to crop circles is taken at face value. Even Houdini's attacks on phony mediums are interpreted to suggest he was taking on frauds and not real mediums. Fraud does not appear in the index, nor are alternate suggestions of how phenomena could have occurred presented. Only in a few instances is some skepticism applied. The work covers material of interest to a large segment of the public in a way that is clear and readable. Many works in the "Delving Deeper" sections will provide the beginning student of the paranormal with good starting points. Recommended for medium-size to large public libraries and for academic libraries with comparative religion, folklore, and popular culture collections.

  • Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained Vol 3

    Downloaded: 15 times | Size: 374 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    In 14 chapters, The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained cover broad concepts from "Afterlife Mysteries" to "Invaders from Outer Space." Each chapter begins with an overview and an outline of the topics and subtopics that are covered. Within the chapters, entries are generally arranged in alphabetical order. Each ends with a further reading list called "Delving Deeper." Glossaries are appended to each chapter and cumulated in volume 3. Occasional cross-references appear in bold type within the text to refer the reader to other entries, but since the set does not have a strict A-Z arrangement, one must use the index to determine where those entries are located. Because of the set's topical arrangement, the index is essential. The Steigers, prolific writers on the paranormal, have written an encyclopedia for believers. The volumes are meant to "explore and describe the research of those who take such phenomena seriously." Almost everything from mediumship to crop circles is taken at face value. Even Houdini's attacks on phony mediums are interpreted to suggest he was taking on frauds and not real mediums. Fraud does not appear in the index, nor are alternate suggestions of how phenomena could have occurred presented. Only in a few instances is some skepticism applied. The work covers material of interest to a large segment of the public in a way that is clear and readable. Many works in the "Delving Deeper" sections will provide the beginning student of the paranormal with good starting points. Recommended for medium-size to large public libraries and for academic libraries with comparative religion, folklore, and popular culture collections.

  • [ recommended ] Encyclopedia Of Philosophy (10 Volume Set)

    Downloaded: 6 times | Size: 7915 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1500 credits

    (costs over $1000 elsewhere) The first edition of Encyclopedia of Philosophy, published in eight large volumes in 1967, was the standard philosophy reference for more than a generation. Though it has aged gracefully, the passing years nevertheles

  • The Ayurveda Encyclopedia: Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention & Longevity

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    Although there is no shortage of books that attempt to explain Ayurveda medicine (a system that originated in India about 5000 years ago) to a popular audience, the author, instructor at the Ayurveda Holistic Health Center in Bayville, NY, claims that this is the first English-language textbook on the subject. However, he does little to simplify this complicated system and goes into too much detail not only for average readers but for health practitioners who want to learn more about this form of treatment. Many of his statements seem far-fetched (e.g., can the color orange really help with menstrual cramps?). Organization is poor; for instance, information on therapies for diabetes is spread throughout the book rather than being concentrated in the section on diseases. Perhaps the most useful information here is the list of Ayurvedic resources and the glossary containing clear definitions of many of the terms used.

  • Encyclopedia of Science and Religion by Wentzel Van Huyssteen (Editor), Niels Henrik Gregersen, Nancy R. Howell, Wesley J. Wildman

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    This encyclopedia which sells elsewhere for $295, are intended for "a wide readership from high-school students to independent researchers and academics," deals with all aspects of the conflict and dialogue between science and religion. The list of scholars who have contributed is impressive, and the project had as a consultant and contributor Ian Barbour, physicist, theologian, and well-known author on the interplay of science and religion. The editorial point of view is that the formal consideration of the relationship between science and religion has become a new academic field of study. The troublesome potential of new technologies has brought questions into the public arena as well. The 400-plus alphabetically arranged entries range from broad essays on topics such as Biotechnology, Causation, and Sociobiology to shorter pieces on terms such as Cybernetics, Eco-feminism, and entropy. There are also 20 biographies of important figures in the dialogue between science and religion, from Aristotle to Stephen Jay Gould. The fore matter includes an alphabetical list of all articles as well as a synoptic outline, which enables one to see all of the articles related to, for example, physical sciences or Chinese religions. The historical and contemporary relationships between the realm of science and the major religious groups--Judaism, Islam, Christian traditions, Chinese religions, Buddhism, and Hinduism--are treated individually. Major scientific and academic fields are examined in the context of the encyclopedia's focus. Close to 70 articles on the physical sciences, for example, include entries on all the major arenas of the field: chemistry, particle physics, quantum physics, etc., each providing an overview of early research, contemporary developments and lessons, or applications to religious thought. All of the articles are signed and have bibliographies, some extensive. In addition, a nine-page annotated bibliography serves as a guide for further reading (and collection development) in various topics such as the human sciences and religion. A detailed index makes the wealth of material even more accessible. The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: An Encyclopedia (Garland, 2000) covers much of the same ground. Both are reference works of very high quality with scholarly contributors, several of them in common. But the approach of the earlier work is to treat fewer topics in broader essays. Some of the treatments are more substantial in the Garland work: medicine is covered in seven pages as opposed to two and a half. The Macmillan work does have a more global scope, including non-Western religions or belief systems. The references and bibliography of the set under review are much more up-to-date.

  • Patricia Monaghan - Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, Volume 1, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean, and Asia

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    Drawn from a variety of sources ranging from classical literature to early ethnographies to contemporary interpretations, the Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines provides a comprehensive introduction to the ways goddess figures have been viewed through the ages. This unique encyclopedia of over thousands of figures of feminine divinity describes the myths and attributes of goddesses and female spiritual powers from around the world.

  • Patricia Monaghan - Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, Volume 2, Europe and the Americas

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    Drawn from a variety of sources ranging from classical literature to early ethnographies to contemporary interpretations, the Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines provides a comprehensive introduction to the ways goddess figures have been viewed through the ages. This unique encyclopedia of over thousands of figures of feminine divinity describes the myths and attributes of goddesses and female spiritual powers from around the world.

  • Raymond Buckland - The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-Paganism

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    This new edition retains the balanced tone and thorough research of the previous two (The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 1989 and 1999). In more than 480 entries, paranormal expert Guiley covers both historical witchcraft, such as the Salem witches,Santa Fe witches, and Stamford witches of the seventeenth century, and contemporary issues and concerns. Topics such as different types of witchcraft, fairies, folk magic, the occult, pagan practices, voodoo or vodun, spells, demons, charms, and magic circles are clearly defined. Descriptions of beliefs, and rituals connected to witchcraft, and biographies of individuals, both historical and fictional, living and dead (for example, Aleister Crowley, Morgan le Fay, Margaret Alice Murray, and Starhawk), are included. In addition to updates of contemporary biographies, this edition contains new Wicca-related material, as indicated by the addition of the word Wicca to the title. Short lists of further reading, a number of them updated, follow many of the entries. The lengthy bibliography has been expanded and updated as well. Offering a broader perspective than many arcane resources on this popular subject, this volume is suited to casual readers and researchers.

  • Encyclopedia of Buddhism

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    Buddhism, according to the editor in chief of this encyclopedia, "is one of the three major world religions, along with Christianity and Islam." Unlike the other two, however, Buddhism lacks substantial reference works in Western languages. The majority are single-volume works, defining terms, concepts, deities, etc. The Encyclopedia of Buddhism, on the other hand, "seeks to document the range and depth of the Buddhist tradition in its many manifestations."

    The nearly 500 entries are alphabetically arranged, signed by their authors, and conclude with see references and supplemental bibliographies. Article length ranges from 50 to 4,000 words. There are illustrations throughout, including three maps on the diffusion of Buddhism in Asia as well as an eight-page insert of color plates in each volume. The set ends with several time lines of Buddhist history and a good index. Given the long history Buddhism has enjoyed and the many different cultural regions and national traditions in which it has developed, two volumes are not enough to do the subject justice. Consequently, the entries tend to be thematic and inclusive in nature, with specific mention of, say, an individual or place being made within a broader survey article. While the cosmological, doctrinal, and ritual aspects of Buddhism are covered extensively, entries also treat the cultural, social, and political contexts that have shaped and been shaped by Buddhist thought (e.g., Economics, Education, Law). Entries for geographic locations provide nice historical surveys of the development of Buddhism to the present day and include the U.S and Europe. Buddhism's interaction with other world religions and philosophies (e.g., Christianity and Buddhism, Communism and Buddhism, Jainism and Buddhism) is treated. Finally, recognizing that Buddhism is a force in the world today, the editor has included entries that provide Buddhist perspectives on issues of contemporary concern (e.g., Abortion, Gender, Modernity and Buddhism)

  • [ recommended ] Richard M Golden - Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition

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    Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition is the definitive reference on the age of witch hunting (approximately 1430

  • The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft - Judika Illes

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    From shamanic shape shifting to food and drink, botanicals to sacred days, The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft - The Complete A to Z of the Entire Magical World is a fascinating and comprehensive celebration of all facets of witchcraft. From modern Wicca to Egyptian sorcery, Toltec shamanism to African Voudon, author Judith Illes explores the history, folklore, spirituality, and practices of witchcraft and the occult. According to Judika Illes, there are many definitions and beliefs about what a witch, and witchcraft, embodies. In the introduction, she examines the many theories, definitions and attitudes that have accompanied this oft-misunderstood subject.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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