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  • Alex Sanders - The King of the Witches

    Downloaded: 11 times | Size: 155 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    This Book is a cornerstone of Wiccan Literature. It is easy to read in biography form and explains a number of complex phenomena that were then taking place within wicca during the early generation of this past century. As it tells the story of his life, the book explores intricate balances of life and death, good and evil and of course the tender standing of wicca to the only just repealed laws forbidding the public practice of any sort of witch craft. It includes fascinating accounts of coven meetings and eary structure, sets the standard for known practise and is a must-read, along with Gerald Gardener's "Witchcraft Today". The emergance of hereditary witchcraft into mainstream society was institutionalised by the leadership of these men and their contribution of not only the newly unvieled shadows of craft, but also mystic lore of past ages and knowledge of ancient secrets and grimoires all has come to form what we recognise today as modern wicca

  • Bailey, Michael - Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft

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    The only single-volume, scholarly reference work available on this subject, this dictionary provides reliable information on magic and witchcraft for the entire span of western history, from classical antiquity to modern Wicca. Particular attention is paid to the history of witchcraft in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, the era of the great witch-hunts

  • Preface and Chapter 20 from Triumph of the Moon

    Size: 34 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Ronald Hutton

  • Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 25 times | Size: 161 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Sir Walter Scott

  • A True History of Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 16 times | Size: 25 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Allen Greenfield

  • The Roots of Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 221 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Michael Harrison

  • A Short Guide to Occult Symbols:Pentacles and Pentagrams

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 3 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Satanism and Witchcraft - The Occult and the West Part II

    Downloaded: 10 times | Size: 3 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Secret History of Modern Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 21 times | Size: 24 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Daemonologie

    Downloaded: 78 times | Size: 45 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The "Demonologie"of James VI was an important text in the history of Scottish andEnglish Witch trials. James developed something of an obsessionwith Witches and of hunting them following a plot by the BerwickWitches to shipwreck him when on his way home from Denmark.Following this attempt James wrote the Demonologie and gave hissupport and whole-hearted approval to the attempt to try andexecute Witches within Scotland. After he became King of Englandin 1603 James' book was then anglicised and reprinted in England.

  • The Ancient Book of Formulas

    Downloaded: 178 times | Size: 62 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @250 credits

    Lewis de Claremont. The world?s only complete catalogue of occult recipes for use during ceremonial practice and in everyday life. Formulas include incenses, oils, sachet powders, perfumes and many others, as well as preparation instruction and guidance.

  • A Witches Bible - The Complete Witches Handbook

    Downloaded: 31 times | Size: 586 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The Complete Witches' Handbook.Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats; Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle; The Complete Book of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft & Sex; Running a Coven; Clairvoyance;Astral Projection. This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way, and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.

  • The Book of Halloween by Ruth Edna Kelley

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    This book is intended to give the reader an account of the origin and history of Hallowe?en, how it absorbed some customs belonging to other days in the year,?such as May Day, Midsummer, and Christmas. The context is illustrated by selections from ancient and modern poetry and prose, related to Hallowe?en ideas

  • Malleus Maleficarum

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    by Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger. The Malleus Maleficarum ("The Hammer of Witches", ?Witch Hammer?, or the "Hexenhammer") is arguably the most important treatise on prosecuting witches to have come out of the witch hysteria of the Renaissance. It is a comprehensive witch-hunter?s handbook first published in Germany in 1487 that grew into dozens of editions spread throughout Europe and had a profound impact on witch trials on the Continent for about 200 years. This work is notorious for its use in the witch hunt hysteria which peaked in the mid-16th through mid-17th centuries.

  • [ recommended ] Richard M Golden - Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition

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    Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition is the definitive reference on the age of witch hunting (approximately 1430

  • The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft - Judika Illes

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    From shamanic shape shifting to food and drink, botanicals to sacred days, The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft - The Complete A to Z of the Entire Magical World is a fascinating and comprehensive celebration of all facets of witchcraft. From modern Wicca to Egyptian sorcery, Toltec shamanism to African Voudon, author Judith Illes explores the history, folklore, spirituality, and practices of witchcraft and the occult. According to Judika Illes, there are many definitions and beliefs about what a witch, and witchcraft, embodies. In the introduction, she examines the many theories, definitions and attitudes that have accompanied this oft-misunderstood subject.

  • Pocket Guide to Witchcraft

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  • Louise Huebner - Seduction Through Witchcraft

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    This is a collection of 12 tracks consisting of spoken word instructions on rituals specific to seduction and influencing people in the paradigm of traditional witchcraft. It also delves briefly into demonology.

    1. Introduction - Gods
    2. Self-Fascination Ritual for Increased Power
    3. Isis Full Moon Ring for Magical Protection
    4. Demon Spell for Energy
    5. Orgies - A Tool of Witchcraft
    6. Sun Sign Amulets for Spiritual Protection
    7. Coleopterous Charm for Romantic Adventure
    8. Turkish Bean Spell for Tender Love
    9. Seduction Spells from Around the World
    10. Emotional Bondage Spell
    11. Earthquake Spell for Unwanted Lovers
    12. Witches and Wizards

  • Alex Sanders - A Witch is Born

    Downloaded: 12 times | Size: 27MB zipped MP3, duration: 39.22 minutes | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Rare recording of an initiation rite into wicca performed by Alex Sanders, known as "the most powerful witch in England."

  • Mastering Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 132 times | Size: 188 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Paul Hudson. This book is a practical how to guide for those who are interested in witchcraft as a practice. This book is for those who are serious about witchcraft as a practical, hands on, practice

  • Michael W. Ford - The Book of the Witch Moon: A Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft, Vampyrism and Chaos Sorcery

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 146 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    The forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. Containing a grimoire outlining the dark feminine current of HECATE, the book outlines the practice of Satanic or Luciferian Witchcraft from a Cunning craft viewpoint. Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice. The foundation of Book of the Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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