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  • [ recommended ] Jason Miller - The Sorcerer's Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick

    Downloaded: 68 times | Size: 215 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    This book is about real magick, effecting real change, in a real world.

    There are some books on magick that teach it purely as spiritual advancement. Others teach it as a form of psychological self-help that effects only inner change. While magick can and should be both of these, it is also something more. The Sorcerer's Secrets is about success in practical magick; it is a book that aims at changing both the outer and inner worlds.

    Beyond a mere spell book or training course, The Sorcerer's Secrets is a field manual on successful sorcery written by a professional sorcerer. The first part of the book lays out the qualities, concepts, and exercises necessary to attempt practical magick. The second part presents clear strategies for tackling almost any type of issue with sorcery.

    You will learn how to:
    *Attack problems from multiple angles, not just by casting a spell.
    *Blend mundane and magickal action to ensure success.
    *Figure out whether what you are doing is working, and fix it if it isn't.
    *Go beyond readings, into magickal intelligence-gathering.
    *Influence the minds of other people.
    *Work most effectively on behalf of others.

    The Sorcerer's Secrets will help rescue the art of Magick from those who have ignored, downplayed, or just outright denied the existence of practical sorcery in favor of arcane titles, intangible results, and fantasy attainments.

  • Liber Falxifer Vol II: Book of Anamlaqayin

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    The Second Book of Master Falxifer will delve further into the Necrosophic mysteries of Qayin, but will also cast a black light on some crucial aspects previously hinted at and at the same time veiled, in the first book of the Left-Handed Reaper. One of these all-important aspects concerns the identity of and the gnosis granted by the Hidden Mother of Our Bloodline, the Bride of Qayin.

    The Second Book of Falxifer shall continue where the First Book left off, as the purpose of all the publications of the Templum Falcis Cruentis is to make available the initiatic tools needed by Those of the Blood in order to awaken and set ablaze their slumbering Pneumatic Flames.

    The Second Book will once again present an extensive set of both worded and wordless manifestations of Sorcerous Gnosis and provide access to previously hidden keys to both low and high forms of Necrosophic Nigromancy, Necromancy, Ancestral Veneration, Herbal Demonology and give new detailed instruction about how the powers of the insignias, talismans and fetishes of the Lord of the Harvest can be further employed in order to achieve both temporal and spiritual power, victory and transcendence, all by walking in the fiery and blessed footsteps of the First Ones who traversed the Paths of Nod.

    Some of the topics presented within the Second Book of Our Master are: esoteric discourses revealing the mythic foundation of our Qayinitic Gnosticism, the Hidden Bride of Qayin, Her secret formulas of Calling and Names of Power, Her sigils of both high and low sorcery, the unified and transcendent aspect of the Twin-Flame of Sataninsam, the Dark Dead and their hidden and most fearful aspects, the cleansing, protective and empowering baths, the herbal formulas and activations of the 7 Key Sigils of Death, the Mysteries of the Black In Green, exploring the powers of the First Tiller and the workings of the Esoteric Sigil of the Green Skull, the rites of protection and concealment, instructions concerning the creation and employing of the Qayinitic Bone Talismans (i.e. Pays), specific fetishes of some of the most important aspects of the Master, like for example the Fetish of the Lord of the Mound and the Skull of the First Harvester, the role of the First Dead within the Cult and His Sigils of Calling, talismanic work against the law, the ensouling Tinctures of Qayin and His Rose-Crowned Bride, the secret Kelim of Baaltzelmoth, the Grand Kliffotic Sigil of the King of the Ravens of Death, further teachings concerning the Mighty Dead and the workings of the Altar of the Dead, prayers, invocations and talismanic forms used for the channelling of the powers of both the soul and the spirit of Qayin and much more.

    Those who have faithfully and correctly worked with and internalized the teachings offered in the First Book of the Left-Handed Reaper will, in this Second Book of our Holy Saint of Death, receive the instruction needed to further experience the initiatic empowerments, blessings and curses of our Necrosophic Tradition.



  • Irish Witchcraft and Demonology

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    Irish Witchcraftand Demonology is St. John Seymour's classic study of Ireland'sinfernal history. In it he traces and describes the most famouswitches and witchcraft of Ireland: from Dame Alice Kyteler in theMiddle Ages to a trial for witchcraft in a 1911 murder court.Seymour analyzes the accounts of the accused men and women, theirfamiliars, and associated demons and devils. This book will be awelcome read to lovers of occult history.

  • Raymond Buckland - Practical Candleburning Rituals

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    This trusted guidebook by popular author Raymond Buckland has introduced candle magick to more than 300,000 readers.

    From winning love to conquering fear, obtaining money to improving relationships, Practical Candleburning Rituals is filled with simple candle rites that get real results. Newly updated and re-organized, this edition includes thirty-seven rituals-adapted for Christians and Pagans-that can be performed at home with readily available materials.

    No prior magickal knowledge is necessary. Diagrams and simple instructions make this candle magick primer an ideal practical guide for beginners.

  • Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches

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    Charles Leland. After years of trying Charles Leland met a practicing Italian witch by the name of Maddelena, who transmitted to him the teachings of Italian witchcraft. The words (stories) have become Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches. This manuscript, reportedly handed down in an oral tradition, was later translated and published in the late 1800's. While it is true that Maddelena's involvement with Leland cannot be proven, the fact remains that even with an uncertain origin, Aradia is one of the most important manuscripts available to the Pagan community. It most definitely presents such a powerful message that even today its words are found repeatedly in various literatures. It is the foundation for one of the most powerful and well-known documents in modern Pagan lore, The Charge of the Goddess

  • God of the Witches

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    Margaret Murray. This celebrated study of witchcraft in Europe traces the worship of the pre-Christian and prehistoric Horned God from paleolithic times to the medieval period. Murray, the first to turn a scholarly eye on the mysteries of witchcraft, enables us to see its existence in the Middle Ages not as an isolated and terrifying phenomenon, but as the survival of a religion nearly as old as humankind itself, whose devotees held passionately to a view of life threatened by an alien creed. The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields. Exploring the rites and ceremonies associated with witchcraft, Murray establishes the concept of the "dying god"--the priest-king who was ritually killed to ensure the country and its people a continuity of fertility and strength. In this light, she considers such figures as Thomas a Becket, Joan of Arc, and Gilles de Rais as spiritual leaders whose deaths were ritually imposed. Truly a classic work of anthropology, and written in a clear, accessible style that anyone can enjoy, The God of the Witches forces us to reevaluate our thoughts about an ancient and vital religion.

  • The Witch-Cult in Western Europe

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    Margaret Murray. This is an intensive study of the witch cult in Great Britain. The author uses French and Flemish sources to obtain a clearer understanding of the ritual and beliefs, as the witch cult appears to be the same throughout western Europe. The sources from which the information used within are the judicial records and contemporary chroniclers. In the case of the chroniclers, the author studied their facts, not their opinions

  • The Golden Bough

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    Sir James Frazer. Frazer's The Golden Bough is one of the great books of our culture written by one of the great scholars of our time. To read it is to share in the adventure of mankind's cultural odyssey, and to undergo an enlargement in one's own sympathy and understanding for one's fellow beings....It is a book to be read and re-read

  • The Book of Halloween

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    For an introduction to the holiday itself, check out The Book of Halloween by Ruth Edna Kelly. Featuring the origins of the holiday, from a pagan celebration to an all-American tradition, it makes for some pretty great trivia while devouring your candy.

  • Internet Book of Shadows

    Downloaded: 126 times | Size: 3425 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Highly recommended.

  • Collection of Wiccan and Witchcraft Articles

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 82 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Different Pagan Traditions

    Downloaded: 8 times | Size: 6 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • The Basics of Magick

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    Amber K

  • Wheel of the Year

    Downloaded: 25 times | Size: 1 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • How to become a Witch in Nine Easy Lessons

    Downloaded: 42 times | Size: 2 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Witchcraft Today

    Downloaded: 22 times | Size: 105 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Gerald B. Gardne

  • A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic

    Downloaded: 68 times | Size: 139 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Marian Green. Written for serious practitioners, Marian Green's Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic guides those who wish to learn the "old religion" without the aid of a coven. Densely written in a serious tone, Witch Alone is nonetheless an inspiring and poetic read. Exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to take a full 28 nights to accomplish, and are designed to progressively lead one down the path to success. Worshippers of the goddess and those interested in exploring the deeper aspects of their own souls will find this tome deeply informative, but for the neo-pagan committed to learning solitary witchcraft, Witch Alone is a must-read.

  • Witchcraft for All

    Downloaded: 42 times | Size: 109 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Louise Huebner

  • Alexandrian Book of Shadows

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 102 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Compiled by Sekhet Sophia

  • Gardnerian Book of Shadows

    Downloaded: 33 times | Size: 74 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    version compiled by Aidan A. Kelly. This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wicca religion. However, it is important to point out that there is no 'official' Book of Shadows. Typically each coven has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. This particular text is derived from a file posted on the Internet in the early 90s, and quotes previously published material which was known to be in use by Gardner and his group.

  • Witchcraft: A Concise Guide by Isaac Bonewits

    Downloaded: 28 times | Size: 216 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    You will seldom find a more terse, cogent, and readable work on contemporary Wicca and an essential reading for Pagans



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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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