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  • Colin Wilson - Witches

    Downloaded: 13 times | Size: 156 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Witches - the very word conjures up mystery, darkness and fear, mainly because we know so little about the cult and ritual surrounding witchcraft. It is a subject that everyone knows something about, often merely old wives' tales and tall stories, but few know the facts behind the history of witchcraft. This book gives an insight into the mystery. "Witches" is a fully illustrated history of witchcraft and the black arts, written by the well-known authority on the occult, Colin Wilson, and illustrated by the established artist, Una Woodruff, who also has a particular interest in the subject and a special talent for portraying atmosphere in her excellent artwork. Witches are discussed and revealed in this book from the earliest times with the Witch of Endor and Merlin through medieval witch cults to the modern day faith healers and wart charmers. All aspects of the subject are covered - including witch trials, black masses, spells, voodoo, covens and rituals, psychic powers and possession, earth spirits and werewolves. "Witches", with its visual excitement and informed interesting text, is an important work for specialists as well as being a fascinating book for the layman.

  • Gerina Dunwich - Candlelight Spells

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    Candlelight Spells is a comprehensive guide to the traditional Sabbat feasts of the witch's year. It contains many recipes and rituals for their proper celebration. Sections include herbal remedies, traditional crafts and the making of powerful spells and amulets.

    Sample topics: The Old Religion; Sabbat Feasts; Traditional Recipes; Candle Crafting; A Witch's Guide to Herbs; Spellcasting; A Lexicon of Witchcraft. Candlelight Spells is an indispensible guide for those truly interested in the culture and lore of the earth's oldest religion.

    Gerina Dunwich is a self-dedicated Witch, historian, poet and student of the Occult arts. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts, where she edits and publishes Golden Isis a wiccan literary journal of poetry and mystical art.

  • Pike - Sugar Spells - Sweeten Your Luck

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  • The Complete Uncut Book of Shadows

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  • Gerina Dunwich - Dunwichs Guide to Gemstone Sorcery: Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals, and Divination

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    Dunwich's Guide to Gemstone Sorcery is a practical and comprehensive guide to the magickal world of precious and semi-precious stones. Written by a modern Witch with firsthand knowledge of the occult properties of stones, this book is filled with numerous spells and rituals, enchanting Pagan folklore, and useful magickal correspondences. It also explores gemstone curses and cures, and the many ways in which gemstones can be utilized as amulets for magickal workings, as oracles for revealing the future, and as tools for healing one's body, mind, and spirit. With the aid of this book, you will learn how to properly cleanse and charge stones, and also how to make homemade gemstone elixirs. You will discover the secrets of using stones to increase your wealth, facilitate clairvoyant abilities, invoke deities, ward off bad luck and evil influences, draw love into your life, and so much more!

  • Feary Magick

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    Travel down a pathway to the faery realm and bring enchantment into your life. With over 100 spells rituals and journeys this practical book is designed to help you in matters of romance love and beauty as well as home health protection and wealth. Collectively known as the Sidhe or the Bright People faery beings exist halfway between the material and spiritual the mortal and deity. As a presence that animates and enlivens all of Nature faeries represent the Elemental powers of the land. They come in all sizes shapes and types such as elves pixies leprechauns oakmen undines and satyrs. Some appear human-like while others can shapeshift to any form they desire. Hands-on information and techniques in Faery Magick include: * Faery origin history and lore. * Faery types their likes and dislikes and their habits and tendencies. * Guidelines for positive faery/mortal relationships. * Best days times and locations for doing Faery Magick. * How to create a Faery Ring and Faery Magick Circle. * Faery Magick food and brew offerings colour correspondences trees flowers herbs animals crystals and gemstones. * Faery Magick altar creation positions necessities and tools. * Empowering easy-to-do Faery Magick spells rituals and meditative journeys. Build a unique relationship with the Fae and it will lead to expanded awareness enrich and enliven your life and help you find the empowerment you've been missing.

  • Doreen Valiente - An ABC Of Witchcraft Past and Present

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    What is the relationship of the Bible to Witchcraft? What are Fairies, and Magical Alphabets? What were the links between Druidism and Witchcraft? An ABC of Witchcraft covers these subjects and many more from the well-informed and gentle viewpoint of practicing witch, Doreen Valiente.Arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference, the book discusses over 125 subjects that may concern anyone wishing to know more about this ancient pagan religion. Other topics include Atlantis, Witches' Familiars, Dancing, Fire Magic, Flying Ointments, Horses and Witchcraft, Initiations, Love Charms, Royalty and its connection with witchcraft, etc., etc., with up to several pages on each subject.Both the layman and experienced practitioner will find this book enjoyable and fascinating.

  • Pagan Patterns and Designs by Eliza Fegley

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  • Louise Huebner - Seduction Through Witchcraft

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    This is a collection of 12 tracks consisting of spoken word instructions on rituals specific to seduction and influencing people in the paradigm of traditional witchcraft. It also delves briefly into demonology.

    1. Introduction - Gods
    2. Self-Fascination Ritual for Increased Power
    3. Isis Full Moon Ring for Magical Protection
    4. Demon Spell for Energy
    5. Orgies - A Tool of Witchcraft
    6. Sun Sign Amulets for Spiritual Protection
    7. Coleopterous Charm for Romantic Adventure
    8. Turkish Bean Spell for Tender Love
    9. Seduction Spells from Around the World
    10. Emotional Bondage Spell
    11. Earthquake Spell for Unwanted Lovers
    12. Witches and Wizards

  • Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham

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    When you draw a heart in the sand, call on the four winds for assistance, or ask the rain to wash away a bad habit, you are practicing earth magic. By working in harmony with nature, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This tried-and-true guide offers more than one hundred spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the powerful energy of the earth.

  • Pearson - Treading the Mill: Practical Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft

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    Starting with explanations and definitions the book goes on to contain: Crafting the Compass - Introduction, Crafting the Compass, Tools, Calling the Directions, Content of the Rite, Closing Statement & Thanks, Honouring the Directions, Opening/Dismissing the Compass, Place of Working, Examples; WandCrafting - What is a Wand? Traditional Tree Lore, Dryads, Types of Wood, Tree Properties & Attributes, Cutting wood for magical purposes, Creating your Wand, A Hallowing Rite; Raising the Cup - Introduction, The Cup, Raising the Cup, Wines, The Recipes, Other Brews; and, Entering the Twilyte - In preparation, but will include techniques of focus, concentration, visualisation, raising energy, trance-work and projection.It also covers: SpellCrafting - What is a Spell? Charms & Chants, Herbal Magic & Wortcunning, Simples Potions Oils & Lotions, Elemental & Nature Magic, On collecting plant materials for magical use; Spirit Working - Introduction, Spirits of the Natural World, Spirits of Home & Hearth, Concerning Familiars, The Fetch Body, The Ancestors & The Mighty Dead, The Elvenkind or Faerie-folk; and, Approaching the Powers - Introduction, The God (King of the Woodland, Lord of the Mound, Master of Light), The Goddess (Bright Queen, Dark Queen).

  • Patricia Telesco - Kitchen Witch's Guide to Magikal Tools

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    A wide variety of implements have held a place of respect in metaphysical practices throughout the world - be it the incense burning during a monk's mantras, the candles lit on a witch's altar, or the animal horn adorning the Shaman?s costume. And while we know that tools are simply helpmates to magick (that each person enables and activates the potential therein), we also know that we come to trust our tools as an important component in many of our spiritual efforts. But what do we really know about them? Where do they come from? What do they truly represent? Ever wondered why the Good Fairy used a wand, and how that translated into modern magickal settings? These questions and many others are answered in Kitchen Witch's Guide to Magickal Tools. It is your gateway to a wonderful adventure - discovering the history, myths, and folklore behind everything in a modern witch's kit. You'll learn how to make many of these tools in your own home, fill them with personal energy, bless them, and care for them. What about the things you can't readily make? Patricia includes a detailed list of sources known and trusted by elders and leaders in the Neo-Pagan community. In other words, this is a one-stop "shop" that you can return to again and again for information and ideas to improve the meaningfulness and potency of all your magickal tools.

  • Book of Taliesin

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  • Konstantinos - Gothic Grimoire

    Downloaded: 10 times | Size: 174 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    As the rest of the world goes to sleep, the nightkind - those who prefer to explore the mysteries of the night - prepare for their rites. Whether you are new to the practice of nocturnal magick, or a seasoned dark mystic, this companion to the popular Nocturnal Witchcraft is sure to bring new levels of power to your nights.

    Expand your connection to the dark ether and the unseen world with this collection of techniques and rituals taken directly from the author's personal magickal notebooks. Explore the Nocturnicon - a collection of rites designed to overcome the unique obstacles that appear in the life of the nightkind.

    Commune with the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Night with nocturnal rituals for the sabbats. Examine advanced astral workings, including astral travel, working with thoughtforms, and banishing unwanted energies and entities. Connect with the positive side of the darkness within and without as you learn.

  • Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic by Phyllis Curott

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    Curott (author of the bestselling Book of Shadows, 1998) presents an expansive, poetic and spiritually replete version of the traditional Wiccan how-to. Those who wish to undertake witchcrafting in a serious way will find Curott a wise and inspiring teacher. Systematically covering familiar elements ("Divination," "Sacred Space," "Witchcraft Without Rules"), Curott captures the spirit of Wicca as a religion or personal voyage, rather than a means to an end. The result is enjoyable reading for the merely curious as well as would-be initiates.

  • DJ Conway - Animal Magick

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    Receive direction, inspiration, and healing when you take the collar off a favorite animal's natural powers! Animal Magick shows you how to access the spiritual powers of familiars-real or imagined animals-for personal enrichment. You don't need a pet to have a familiar. Whether you collect glass animals, dream about snakes, or "talk" with an animal already, you can fu rther develop this connection for startling magickal results. Animal Magick gives practical meditations, rituals, and power chants for enticing, befriending, understanding, and using the magick of familiars.

    ? Learn the two ways to attract a familiar
    ? Explore the various kinds of familiars and find which works best with you
    ? Follow your familiar into Otherworld realms, to new sources of information and understanding
    ? Explore the spiritual aspect of animals with the first book to present familiars from a European Pagan viewpoint
    ? Connect with your familiar through chants, rituals, and meditations
    ? Increase your magickal powers with the presence of your familiar
    ? Listen to a familiar for inspiration
    ? Discover your own Shamanic path
    ? Empower rituals and divination
    ? Gain powerful vision through shapeshifting
    ? Recognize the protective behavior of your familiar
    ? Take comfort in a friend for life

  • Cresta - Faerye Invokation: Ars Obscura

    Downloaded: 10 times | Size: 71 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Limited to 100 copies, this relatively unknown Grimoire of fairy evocation and magic is an early Ars Obscura title. Faerye Invokation is an exploration of magic from a strictly feminine perspective. It teaches the reader to embrace and develop the feminine virtues (eg. innocence, passivity, beauty). Through the development of these virtues, the woman proves her devotion to the fairies who then accept her among them, appear before her and grant her power to use in her magic. This book is an interesting early example of Pagan evocation and is worth checking out for the high quality drawings the author included.
    Faerye Invokation Includes formulae for the following operations:
    Dedication/Initiation into Faerye Magick
    Elemental Faerye Circle Casting
    Faerye Invokation
    Daily Faerye Invokation of the Planets (and their virtues)
    Planetary Faerye 'Evocation' into a Acorns
    Creation of Magic/Enchanted Ink
    Faerye Evokation to Appearance in the Crystal Mirror
    Charging of a Talisman or Faerye Acorn

    Also includes instructions for constructing the Faerye tools, the Faerye gown and a few quick spells/chants for working magic.

  • Exploring Candle Magick: Candle Spells, Charms, Rituals and Divinations by Patricia Telesco

    Downloaded: 9 times | Size: 194 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    This wonderful whimsical look at candles gives us a whole new appreciation for these wax sources of illumination. Candlelight is magickal. It casts a gentle warmth and glow all around. And in the shadows of that light we find a rich history filled with myth lore superstition and spells!

    EXPLORING CANDLE MAGICK brings this history to life. While we all know that one should make a wish when blowing out the candles on a birthday cake did you know that a candle's flame represents spiritual purity and the everlasting human soul? Did you know that it's good luck to give someone a bayberry candle for the New Year or light one with your right hand?

    EXPLORING CANDLE MAGICK teaches one of the oldest and most common magickal arts: working with candles. From candlelit divinations and rituals to simply energising the atmosphere of a room candles have been part of religious tradition for aeons.

    With EXPLORING CANDLE MAGICK you can join that tradition and learn how to: * Choose candles that harmonise with your astrological sign. * Burn candles effectively as a spell component. * Make magickal candles from scratch. * Use candles as charms and amulets. * Decorate candles to reflect any goal including love prosperity health and happiness. * Combine Feng Shui with candle-burning efforts.

  • Cauldron of the Gods: A Manual of Celtic Magick by Jan Fries

    Downloaded: 9 times | Size: 552 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Imagine the forest. As darkness falls, the somber beeches disappear in misty twilight and shadows seem to gather under their branches. Far away, the blackbird's call tells of the coming of the night. The birds cease their singing, silence descends, soon the beasts of the night will make their appearance. Between tangled roots, hidden by nettles and brambles, the earth seems to ripple. A few humps of earth seem to emerge from the ground. They are the last traces of burial mounds, of mounds, which were tall and high 2500 years ago. Many of them have disappeared, hidden by tangled roots of beech and oak, ploughed flat by careless farmers, others again show caved-in tops where grave robbers have looted the central chamber. The locals shun these hills. There are tales that strange fires can be seen glowing on the mounds, and that on spooky nights, great armed warriors arise from their resting places. Then the doors to the deep are thrown open and unwary travelers have to beware of being invited into the halls of the dead and unborn. Here the kings of the deep feast and celebrate, time passes differently and strange treasures may be found. Who knows the nights when the gates are open? Who carries the primrose, the wish-flower, the strange blossom that opens the doors to the hollow hills?

  • The Grandmother of Time: A Women's Book of Celebrations, Spells, and Sacred Objects for Every Month of the Year

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    In The Grandmother of Time, Zsuzsanna Budapest teaches both beginners and experienced practitioners how to integrate Wiccan spirituality into their everyday lives. Here are new approaches to today's rituals, from birthdays and dedications of newborn babies to purifying our homes and protecting us in travel.

  • The Great Book of Spells: Magicking Health, Wealth and Happiness Into Your Life

    Downloaded: 9 times | Size: 213 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Used for thousands of years by people in all cultures to enable them to change their lives for the better, spell working still has much to offer, as this beautifully presented book reveals. Practical and comprehensive, The Great Book of Spells explains in clear, concise language all aspects of this ancient craft. The extensive Spells Compendium is divided into easy-to-use sections and covers areas such as health, love and relationships, and money. Also included is guidance on: The principles of spell making ? invocations, chants, blessings and incantations Different types of spell working ? from symbolic and elemental to talismans, amulets and charms Ingredients and tools ? candles, crystals, herbs and plant resins, incense Preparation ? dedicating and setting up a special place, consecrating tools and objects, casting circles Suitable for beginners as well as the more experienced practitioner, The Great Book of Spells has the potential to help you improve every area of your life

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    * These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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