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Orders, Schools, and Churches

| All Orders, Schools, and Churches | Aurum Solis | Builders Of The Adytum | Church of Satan and Satanism | Freemasonry | Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn | Martinism | Rosicrucian | Ordo Templi Orientis | The Nogardian Knights | Others |



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Orders, Schools, and Churches

  • Magic of Atlantis: Real Source of The Necronomicon By Frank Ripel

    Downloaded: 58 times | Size: 176 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    A difficult to obtain work on dark magic. The work offers new insights into Egyptian Mythology as well as mysteries of the 12,000 year old Atlantean Magical Cult. The first part of the book consists of th fifth of the "nine unknown books'-Sauthenerom. This work should be regarded as the source of the Necronomicon.

    This book will change your understanding of magic. Its author is an Italian Magician, a direct heir to the Atlantean Tradition & at the time of writing the book he was the Head of the ORDO ROSAE MISTICAE (O.R.M.) which has roots in a current of occult wisdom nearly 4,000 years old. This title is the first part of Ripel's SABEAN trilogy that is the only complete magical manual of all times. The real source of the Necronomicon. First part of a trilogy, but the only part to be appear in English. First part presents the text of the Sauthenerom, which is supposed to be the text from which the Necronomicon arose. The second part describes the nature and teachings of Ripel's organisation the Ordo Rosae Misticae.


Aurum Solis

  • Basic Magical Practices of the Aurum Solis

    Downloaded: 33 times | Size: 59 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Denning & Phillips - The Aurum Solis Initiation Ceremonies and Inner Magical Techniques

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 230 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Both above the level of rationality and below it, there exist for us vital and purposeful areas of psychic activity which are frequently termed "unconscious", not because they are unconscious at their own levels but because the rational mind is unconscious of them. One of the major results to be sought, whether in magical training, in meditation, or for the matter of that in psychotherapy, is to push back the misty boundaries of unconsciousness, both higher and lower. That achieved, the conscious mind is more widely able to recognise the influences which affect it, to understand them and very frequently control them, and so is able to take more intelligent responsibility in the life of the person. In this book, the keys to this process as employed in the initiatory rites of the Order Aurum Solis are revealed in detail for the first time. These ceremonies of initiation, together with inner magical techniques required for proper performance of the works, are capable of leading the aspirant from the portal of the mysteries to the heights of magical attainment. The structure and consecration of an Aurum Solis temple are likewise presented, together with details of vestments and regalia; and the major inner symbolism of the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries is set forth. This significant work, prepared by the Grand Master of the Order, is a full and vital revelation of the outer and inner initiatory technology of the Aurum Solis, and stands as a guide to the magical potential and the power of the Ogdoadic Tradition.

  • Denning & Phillips - Vol. 1 - The Foundations of High Magick: The Magical Philosophy

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    There are many books availiable for those who wish to learn the way of ritual magick- but few books for those who wish to learn the philosophy behind it, without having to contend with the opinions of often overbearing (Crowley), dogmatic (Fortune), muddle-headed (Regardie), or overly cautious (Kraig) writers. This book not only teaches pure Qabalistic and Hermetic thought, but insightfully and lucidly ties in connections to Oriental, Native American, and even the often overlooked ideas of those anomalous American Transcendentalists, such as Emerson and Whitman. There's no strange yoga, badly-translated words of mystic power, or misunderstood mythology- only the finest piece of magical literature availiable today. If you're a psychologist interested in exploring the transpersonal realms, a layperson wanting to explore spirituality beyond the confines of exoteric religion, a pagan interested in exploring a more reason-oriented spirituality searching for answers - this book is for you.

  • Denning & Phillips - Vol .2 - The Sword and the Serpent:The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe

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    The Sword & The Serpent: The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe is a reference book, and a hands-on book for working with Magick and the Qabala. It helpful for understanding the structure of Qabala in relation to the Tarot

  • Denning & Phillips - Vol. 3 - Mysteria Magica

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    synopsis A complete system of Magick, Mysteria Magica reveals essential and advanced teachings in terms that even newcomers can follow, with a richness of inspiration embraced by experienced mages. Mysteria Magica explores the core of Ceremonial Magick-the inner system of symbolism, philosophy, and spiritual technology. It shows how and why ritual acts can lead to their desired result in the "Principles of Ceremonial" section. This comprehensive work also presents a formal traditional education in the key elements of High Magick: sigils; telesmata; consecration; protection; and Enochian rituals and techniques, including proper pronunciation of the Enochian language. Designed for individual or group use, Mysteria Magica contains the most vital procedures of High Magick with authentic texts and formulae.


Builders Of The Adytum

  • Pronaos Initiation Ritual Preparation

    Downloaded: 30 times | Size: 32 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Seven Steps in Practical Occultism

    Downloaded: 33 times | Size: 25 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Introduction to Esoteric Psychology

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 18 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Sound and Color (1931) - Paul Foster Case - Correlation of Sound and Color

    Downloaded: 19 times | Size: 31 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Hebrew Letter Workbook

    Downloaded: 50 times | Size: 31 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    The purpose of this booklet is to help all students who want to learn how to draw, and recognize the Hebrew letters. The various shapes of the letters are easily reproduced using modem calligraphy pens. These instructions presume students are familiar with various types of graph paper and edged pens. Some students may be aware of other styles of drawing the letters. These particular examples were used for clarity and ease. When this booklet refers to "families of letters," it is not alluding to the divisions familiar to students of Qabalah: the 3 mother, 7 double, and 12 simple letters. The groupings used are based on similarity and relation of shape. Much confusion and error frustrate beginning students because of slight but very important differences in appearance. Experience with this particular organization of the letters has helped many students, allowing them to draw nearly perfect letters in a very short period of time.


Church of Satan and Satanism


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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Mastering Soul Travel

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Universal Circle

Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical appearance, including angels, demons, gods, elementals, planetary intelligences, dead humans, and more.

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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

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The Ultimate Guide To Performing Magick And Experiencing Godlike Power

I'll show you the exact steps and specific pathworkings to help you be more successful with ritual magick and your Ascent to Godhood - and you don't need special genetics or fancy initiations to do it...
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Circle of Solomon

The Most Famous And Respected Magick Circle In Occult History... Harness The Spiritual Power Of The Circle Of Solomon And Evoke Angels To Physical Appearance

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Interviews With A Magus

Watch interviews of the most powerful magicians in the world, as they tell "war stories" and reveal closely-guarded occult secrets.

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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Attract Studio
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Five Rituals

 ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!


Quantum Cookbook

 ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting!


Advanced Cosmic Ordering
... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!


Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X







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