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Solomonic Grimoires

  • Demonomicon by Angelus Degenero

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    Compilation of demons, names, descriptions,sigils, and illustrations.

  • [ recommended ] Lon Milo DuQuette - Illustrated Goetia: Sexual Evocation

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    "Goetia [refers to] all the operations of that Magick which deals with gross, malignant or unenlightened forces." Goetia is sometimes thought of as a wild card, something that can get out of control, something which expresses the operator's lower desires to control others and improve his own personal life. And, in fact, this potential loss of control, this danger, the desire for self improvement and great power is exactly what attracts many people to Goetia while horrifying and repelling others. Crowley's Goetia is brought to life with vivid illustrations of the demons. Commentary by DuQuette and Hyatt bring the ancient arts into the modern day.

  • The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I - Goetia)

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    Evocationof 72 demons associated with the Shemhamphorash, and (in pairs)with the decanates of the zodiac.

  • Eliphas Levi - Greater Keys and Lesser Keys of Solomon

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  • [ recommended ] The Goetia of Dr Rudd: The Angels and Demons of Liber Malorum Spirituum Seu Goetia Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

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    The Goetia (Lemegeton) is perhaps the most famous grimoire after the Key of Solomon. This volume contains a transcription of a hitherto unpublished manuscript of the Lemegeton includes four whole grimoires: Liber Malorum Spituum seu Goetia Theurgia-Goetia Ars Paulina (Books 1 & 2) Ars Almadel This manuscript was owned by Dr. Thomas Rudd, a practicing scholar-magician of the early seventeenth century who knew Dr. John Dee. There are many editions of the Goetia, of which the most definitive is that of Joseph Peterson, but this volume shows how the Goetia was actually used by practicing magicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, before the knowledge of practical magic faded into obscurity. For example, to evoke the seventy-two demons of the Geotia, or the many other spirits listed here, requires more knowledge than is included in the grimoires themselves. It was well-known in times past that invocatio and ligatio, or binding, was a key part of evocation, but in the modern editions of the Goetia this key technique is expressed in just one word "Shemhamphorash," and its use is not explained. This volume explains how the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are used to bind the spirits, and the correct procedure for safely invoking them using dual seals with the necessary angel seal and Psalm. Also, for the first time, the exact form and use of the breastplate and Brass Vessel is explained.

  • Carroll "Poke" Runyon - Book of Solomon's Magick

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    This book presents unique and effective practical methods for invoking angels into a crystal ball and evoking spirits to visible appearance in a dark mirror. It is the companion book to "The Magick of Solomon" video produced by the same author. The techniques taught in this system are hypnotic and subjective. No special psychic talents are required to master this system. The author guides the reader step-by-step to proficiency in the ancient art of Magick.

  • Poke Runyon - The Magick of Solomon

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    Companion to the above book. An 80 minutes video documentary written and narrated by anthropologist and ceremonial magician, Carroll "Poke" Runyon, Magister of America's oldest continually operating Magical Lodge, the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.). The first part of the video offers a history of Western Magick, illustrated with graphics and displays, setting forth the author's theory, based on his own research and experiments, that visions of spirits obtained by magicians in medieval times were subjective and hypnotic rather than hysterical hallucinations. Runyon holds that the practical technique for achieving this was the visual distortion which occurs when a person stares at his or her reflection in a dark mirror. This technique is demonstrated and visions are simulated. The relationship of the "72 Rebellious Spirits" contained in King Solomon's legendary "Brass Vessel" to the Holy Angels who control them is explained and a hypnotic method for invoking these Angels into a Crystal Ball is demonstrated. According to the narrator, these two systems should be integrated for a proper spiritual balance. The video climaxes with the presentation of a complete Goetia Evocation Operation, in full ceremonial regalia, summoning the spirit Astaroth (actually the Canaanite Goddess, Astarte) to visual appearance in the dark mirror on the Triangle of Art.

  • Poke Runyon - Dark Mirror of Magick

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    On January 3rd, 2001, documentary writer/producer Wayne Darwen brought a professional T.V. news crew into the inner sanctum of The Order of the Temple of Astarte to record a remarkable phenomenon: the summoning of the ancient spirit Vassago. Early in February an edited version of Vassago's mysterious Prophecy was broadcast by the Los Angeles affiliate of a National T.V. Network, confirming that the spirit had predicted a major news event: only 13 days after the ritual had been audio-visually recorded, President Laurent Kabila of the Congo was assassinated! In this video version we show you the entire operation in sequence, exactly as it happened with no rehearsals and no retakes. Wayne Darwen also interviews the Magister Thabion (Poke Runyon) and the mystic seer Frater Solomon. Their unrehearsed answers to his probing questions leave no doubt as to the philosophical depth and spiritual power of Solomon's ancient Magick even in this modern age. This is an entirely new and original production. In "The Magick of Solomon" video we dramatically reenacted magical rituals for instructive purposes, whereas "Dark Mirror of Magick" is the record of an actual magical operation of historical significance. We believe that this remarkable documentary will be studied and commented on for years to come.

  • Poke Runyon - The Rites of Magick

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    In The Rites of Magick we introduce the Western counterpart to Tantric yoga in which qabalistic-planetary spheres are developed within the body in a similar manner to the chakras of the East. In Pathworkings we take you through the Dark Mirror on an astral journey to one of these inner spheres. In Seasonal Ceremonies we show you one of our first performances (1974) of the Goddess Astarte?s journey to the underworld from the myths of ancient Canaan. The cast includes Pagan elder Joseph Wilson, and the original founders of the Neo-Pagan Movement in America, Frederick Adams and Lady Svetlana of Feraferia. Following this historical footage we present a (2004) dramatic torchlight rendition of our Summer Solstice rite in which the Green Man is slain by the Dark Lord in an ancient Phoenician myth drama. In the Communion of the Elements we again return to 1974 for an early version of this rite, followed by a totally silent and masked presentation, accompanied by organ music, performed in 2003. We believe we have the first visually recorded presentation of an Enochian Watchtower Opening ceremony. After a brief history and explanation of the system we enter the temple where all five Enochian Tablets are displayed. The operator opens each in turn, concluding with the Portal Call before the Tablet of Union. Our bonus feature is a short fantasy about mad alchemist determined to create an elixir that will restore his disfigured face to its original appearance. It?s Hieronymus Bosch meets Salvador Dali on film. In conclusion I explain that our particular school of magick is based on the 18th century rite of Crata Repoa and that we are of the ancient Hermetic Tradition. We believe that this production will be of considerable interest to students of the occult, magick, Neo-Paganism, cultural anthropology and avant-garde religion.

  • The Shemhamphorash

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    The 72 Angels Bearing The Mystical Name Of God - La Kabbale Pratique/Practical Kaballah

  • Shem Ha-Mephoresch - The 72 FoldName

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  • Grimoirium Verum

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    Grimoirium Verum is a work of Black Magick. Included in this volume is a gallery of illustrations from the classic editions of this rare work. The magical sigils have been digitally restored and are presented along with the originals as given in the manuscript. This edition of Grimoirium Verum is unique in its completeness, verifiable authenticity and never-before published material. Lucifer,Beelzebub and Ashtaroth as well as their servitors & sigils are all fully represented in this rare tome of Demonology. The Ritual Tools and their making remains in classical detail. Preparatory instructions, the Offices of each Demon and the methods of evoking them to visible appearance are described. An appendix, The Book of the Black Serpent, has been added to this edition. Previously unpublished, it supplements the Demonology in Grimoirium Verum in addition to making a rare tract on Angelology available.Grimoirium Verum is, in fact, nothing less than a magician's handbook, containing in small compass the entire rites of preparation, identification of spirits, conjuration and the alleged achievement of the operator's every desire. This book, by traditional definition belongs to black magick, insofar as it tells the operator how to conjure what it admits are demons. In the present state of magical knowledge we would be equally at liberty and even more justified in saying that for all we know the Grimoirium Verum is more original than the Key of Solomon; or that it is one of original books of the Library of Hermes, or even the magical libraries of the Babylonians.

  • The Book of Ceremonial Magic

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    The Secret Tradition inGoetia, including the rites and mysteries of Goetic therugy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. Antiquity ofMagical Rituals; Rituals of Transcendental Magic; CompositeRituals; Key of Solomon; Lesser Key of Solomon; Rituals of BlackMagic; Complete Grimoire; Preparation of the Operator; InitialRites and Ceremonies; Descending Hierarchy; Mysteries of GoeticTheurgy; Mystery of the Sanctum Regnum; Method of Honorius.Firstpublished in 1911, Arthur Edward Waite's The Book of CeremonialMagic is well-known for being a rather enigmatic text. The first hald of the book offers an analytical and critical account of manymagical rituals. The second can be considered an illustratedgrimoire. Contemporary occultists may find Waite's language andstyle at times archaic, but perception and persistence will showthat this tome is a most useful reference.

  • Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation by Konstantinos

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    Learn to safely evoke powerful spirits to aid you with any task.Create sigils charged with the energy of spirits to magnify the effects of your evocations. Make an etheric egregore, a manufactured spirit that will perform the task of your choice. Perform easy exercises to train your magical abilities and to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience. Construct, prepare, and use special magical tools to aid your evocations. Summoning Spirits is a complete manual for evoking entities to effect positive changes in your life. Learn how the spirits that dwell on the other planes can be evoked to the astral and physical planes to help you obtain mystical abilities, locate hidden "treasure," and even command a spirit "army" to protect your home while you're away.

  • [ recommended ] Ninevah Shadrach - The Book of Deadly Names As revealed To King Solomon By Jinn King Fiqitush

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    800 years ago in a time of oriental magic and mystery... Sorcerers who mastered the art of summoning powerful djinn walked the lands of Andalusia and North Africa. One such sorcerer left behind a handwritten manuscript containing forbidden secrets of the most terrible and powerful of all the evil djinn. Something about this particular manuscript was so disturbing that it ended up literally buried in Spanish Royal Commissioners palace. It survived through the ravages of time with its ghastly mysteries intact until a scholarly dig discovered it and innocently added it tothe University of Toledo s collection. After laying in obscurity for many decades, it has been noticed, translated and brought to you. This prized find is one of the oldest specimens of what are referred to as Solomonic Heritage manuscripts being older than any currently existing copiesof the Goetia. It tells the tale of King Solomon's heroic encounter with 72 powerful beings of evil incarnate. Our anonymous ancient sorcerer left complete details on the 72 most evil of the djinn, their names, their descriptions, their locations, their afflictions and the magical keys to counter their attacks on humans. This manuscript stands unique in comparison with traditional djinn grimoires, since djinn demand that the sorcerers must not reveal their secrets, or suffer terrible pain.

  • [ recommended ] Steve Savedow - Goetic Evocation

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    This is the first (and only) workbook ever designed to be used in conjunction with the popular grimoire known as "The Goetia", which is the first book of "The Lesser Key of Solomon".

    It is an efficient working manual for the ritual magician who is interested in properly practicing the system outlined in 'The Goetia'.
    Contents Include: Heirarchy, symbology, brief history of the "Key of Solomon", performance, results, and much more!

  • Goetic Demonolatry by Ellen Purswell

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    Harness the hidden power of the Goetic Hierarchy!
    A Demonolatress who has worked with the Goetic hierarchy for 40+ years shares her experience and insights on Demonolatry, Goetia, ritual magick, and creative ritual work utilizing the Goetic hieararchy.

    This book is a must for those starting out with Goetic Demonolatry, but it's also a great book about path and ritual working suitable for Demonolators working with other hierarchies as well. Includes a wonderful in depth explanation of the Courtesies. This edition now includes Enns for the Goetic Hierarchy and 9 Divinity Correspondences.

  • The Lemegeton: King Solomon's Lesser Key

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    This is transcription of the Lesser Key. The second half of the book has photocopy pages of the actual text they used: This being Sloane MS 2731. This is nice because we can gain some of the energy and essence of the person who transcribe this English version of the Key via their writings and drawings. One down side to this version is the missing Notary Art. Only a few pages are included. Other than that, it is nice to have another source of information for the Key. The more we know, the better equipped we are to endeavor into the work and walk the path.

  • A Book of the Office of Spirits

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    A Book of the Offices of Spirits is the first ever publication of this Solomonic text or grimoire which, in common with the better-known "Goetia," is essentially a catalog of demons, giving their name, description, rank in the infernal hieararchy, number of attendant legions, offices (abilities), as well as a variety of magical rituals for their conjuration and other purposes. The text has its origin in a magical manuscript written by one John Porter in 1583, which was itself probably drawn from earlier European sources. In the early nineteenth century the Porter manuscript came into the possession of the British occult fraternity, "the Mercurii," and a transcription of key sections was compiled by John Palmer. Palmer's transcription was in turn copied by the renowned occult scholar Frederick Hockley, and this transcription, along with another anonymous late nineteenth century manuscript copy, for the basis for the present work.

  • The Black Book of Faust

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  • Marathakis - The Magical Treatise of Solomon, or Hygromanteia

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    The Magical Treatise of Solomon, or Hygromanteia is the ultimate grimoire — the absolute foundation of ceremonial magic. The true source of the Key of Solomon, it is arguably the most significant magical text in the world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary work has been translated from the original Greek into English, allowing magic scholars worldwide to finally access its treasures. The translator, Ioannis Marathakis, is a native born Greek academic with an extensive knowledge of ceremonial magic. Unlike the abridged Latin translation, this groundbreaking work is the complete text, now arranged in its proper order.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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