Evocation of Phul

The Evocation of the Olympic Spirit of Luna

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Diary Entry

I got up early as I wanted to prepare properly for the working to take place that night. This entailed an extended meditation and general preparation of the temple to which I paid visits throughout the day. I prepared a special incense which contained a combination of Jasmine, Aloe's resin and Dittany of Crete which I have found to be very useful in evocation work. The entity I have decided upon is named Phul, and is given as the Olympic spirit of Luna. I have not looked into his powers above those characteristic of a Luna entity so as to allow a more objective look at the results of the working.

The triangle of the art was prepared using salt in a large quantity on the floor of the temple chamber with the incense and sigil placed at the centre circle. I set up an altar with the magickal tools including an Athame, Sword and Wand, the character of Phul on a chain so it could be worn and various other minor tools.

I began the banishing and cast the circle again in salt, and charged the line further using the wand. There was an almost overwhelming sense of energy being contained and thus intensified by this action. The circle felt at the correct level for the ritual to continue.


I began the charge, "I EVOKE THEE.." there was nothing, I continued but still nothing. I composed myself more and focused hard on the sigil. The area in a column from the central circle of the triangle became cloudy, as if the air itself had become thicker . This cloudy effect soon took on a humanoid form and a pair of bold blue eyes appeared. I composed myself.

What is your name and nature?

Phul: My name (the sigil appeared in the place of the blue eyes)

Very well what is your nature? ( I felt a pressure and was focusing hard on containing the entity by holding my wand up before me )

Phul: The power of ( at this point an object near to the triangle became invisible to my eyes although I could look with full awareness and clarity, and light, as there were two large candles not more than a foot away from the object. But the object was nowhere to be seen I could look right at it and only see the wall behind. The object was around a foot all the way round and completely opaque, so as to make the light playing tricks unlikely )

So then your power is invisibility?

Phul: Yes, and complete visibility! I can make you seen by all those around.

How would I call on you for this, do you have a familiar that could accomplish this?

Phul: His name is Gre-I-or and his seal is ( the seal appears in the triangle )

Seal of Gre-I-or.

I give the license to depart and begin the banishing. On completing the first banishing I feel a sense of fear at what I had seen especially the power of invisibility that the entity had demonstrated. I decide to perform a second more intense banishing using Liber Adohi and then a full closing until the temple was balanced again.

I then opened a pathway from the circle and closed the temple.


This working was one of intense feelings and emotions of a very different order to any I have come across before. It encompassed fear, intensity, wonder and complete disbelief. This in many ways is a greater reward than any promise or power.





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