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[ recommended ] Serge Kahili King - Advanced Shaman Training
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Specific tools and techniques for further shamanic development. Learn of astral travel, median shifts, power animals, journeying and more in the unique Hawaiian system of the Adventurer. Hone your skills and become more adept at this powerful craft.
Carl Nagel - Hidden Secrets: Attract Everything You Want
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Carl Nagel is a modern day wizard with the awesome ability to help turn your life around with his own brand of wizardry to bring you what you seek. His profound knowledge is based, not only on his own extensive investigations and study, but also on certain occult secrets passed on to him by beings from the unseen world. In this daring book, he reveals these secrets and shows you how to use them to bring about any event or condition you wish.
How to attract money, pass exams, secure magical success, bring harmony to your life, confuse your enemies, locate lost objects, stop gossip, travel safely, attract the opposite sex, achieve political ambitions, bring riches, overcome opposition, know the future, secure honours and fame, protection from physical harm, vanquish enemies, cause discord, protect your home, dispel evil, discover hidden talents, attract a lover, and much more.
Use ancient magic to draw money and success to you. A rare golden opportunity for you to benefit from this long awaited manuscript of ancient secrets from the greatest living Adept Master ever. Carl Nagle is a modern day wizard with the awesome ability to help turn your life around with his own brand of wizardry to bring you what you seek: pass exams, magical success, bring harmony, confuse enemies, find lost objects, attract money, stop gossip, travel safely, attract the opposite sex, achieve political ambitions, bring riches, overcome opposition, know the future, honours and fame, protection from physical harm, vanquish enemies, cause discord, protect the home, dispel evil, discover hidden talents, bring a lover, and more.
Grimoire Sympathia — Workshop of the Infinite: Healing without medicine using the spiritual essence of plants, minerals and precious stones.
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Charubel, or John Thomas, is best known for his Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolised which, through reinterpretation by Marc Edmund, gave rise to a system known as Sabian Astrology. He also operated a magical order called the Celestial Brotherhood which was broadly similar to the Golden Dawn, i.e. it had a system of progressive grades, claimed its teachings were from hidden adepts and practiced magical rituals. Notable members of the Celestial Brotherhood included John Yarker and Major Francis George Irwin (who worked with Frederick Hockley). Charubel was also in contact with Peter Davidson and Thomas Burgoyne of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light.
This work is quite remarkable, being a grimoire of the spirits of plants, minerals and precious stones. The spirit for each has a name, a sigil and an invocation and these are used for healing purposes. In some instances simple rituals derived from folklore are given. The spirit attributions were derived by means of clairvoyant investigation, though the author is known to be familiar with Culpeper. However, this is not herbalism, the plants are not taken or used to prepare medicine, rather the magician attunes to their spirit to invoke sympathetic magic.
Very few original grimoires were produced throughout the 20th Century and despite its gentle tone, this book is undoubtedly a grimoire — a grimoire which has been constantly overlooked.
[ recommended ] Talismans & Evocations of the Golden Dawn by Pat Zalewski
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Practical Magic techniques of the Golden Dawn revealed! Founded in 1888, by legendary magicians Wynn Westcott and S.L. MacGregor Mathers, the Golden Dawn has been a major influence on the development of Western Magic. Although the material which inspired adepts such as Alistair Crowley and W.B Yeats has been available, until now there has been little explaination as to how this group performed its rites of ritual magic.
Now at last Pat Zalewski, himself an adept within the Golden Dawn system, has revealed secrets that have never before been published or which were only communicated orally to a handful of select pupils. For years people have known that the Golden Dawn adepts could summon spirits so that they could be seen, but no one could explain how they did it. Likewise their techniques of manufacturing and empowering talismans were a closely guarded secret until now.
In this book readers will learn the secrets of evocation and how to make Talismans of Power. This book is a very valuable tool into understanding the practical considerations of Golden Dawn ritual magick at its best. The book is a must for serious Golden Dawn students.
Celestial Magic: Principles and Practises of the Talismanic Art by Nigel Jackson
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.A concentrated handbook of Lunar and Astrological wizard lore with material on Hermetic and Stellar magick. Topics include: Sabean System of Fifteen Fixed Stars, the Erotic Philosophy of Magick, the 28 Mansions (Manazil-al-Qamar), and Hermetic Foundations and Transmissions.
'This book is subtitled 'Principles and Practises of the Talismanic Art' which gives the reader more than a hint about what is to be found within its pages. Jackson begins with a very brief overview of the development of Lunar and Stellar Magic, condensing in a few pages the journey from Syrian, Judaic, Persian, Babylonian and Graeco-Roman esoterica through to the Middle Ages in Europe. This provides a context for the next stage of the book, which discusses the philosophy of magick, and the alchemical process developed and practised by hermetic philosophers in Renaissance Europe.
The next section of the book is devoted to consideration of the three-fold nature of the universe, and the seven great powers expressed through the angels and their attributions. This is supported by the inclusion of Jackson's English translation of 'De Umbris Idearum' (Giordano Bruno), of the seven images of each of the seven planets.
The next chapter describes the 28 Mansions of the Moon, and provides examples of how these may be used to construct and empower talismans. Jackson then looks briefly at the Fifteen Stars (based on specific fixed stars), before discussing the daemon (or Daimon), and its role in the creative process.
The book concludes with some practical rituals based on concepts described in the preceding chapters, and a select bibliography that will assist the reader to delve more deeply into subjects touched upon by the author.
Taoist Dream Practice Audio CD
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Dream Practice vs. Dream Interpretation
Dark Side vs. Evil Side, True Yin vs. False Yin
Tao theory of Body Spirits at night
Guided Meditations: body sleeps, Mind Awake
Power Napping, Lucid Living, Dream Commands
Shortcuts to higher soul contact
(8 CD set - 11 hours)
Blood Sorcery Bible: Rituals in Necromancy
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A Treatment on the Science of Blood & Magnetics as They Pertain to Blood Sorcery and Necromancy
A grimoire to some, an anarchist's cookbook of Blood Sorcery and Necromancy to others, the Blood Sorcery Bible is the first book of its kind to openly discuss the intricacies of Blood Sorcery from the science of self-vivisection to the combination of sexual fluids and magnetics.
If you are looking for a fairy tale about wizardry or if you are seeking a deity from which to seek permission, this is not the book for you. On the other hand, if you desire to dip into the pot with your Left Hand and manipulate situations to your benefit, this is your Bible!
The author has spent over twenty-five years experimenting and practicing the mechanics and physics of Blood Sorcery. The result is this manual, offered to those who are not afraid to work Dark Sorcery to create the world they envision for themselves.
Cyclomancy: The Secret of Psychic Power Control
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POWER. Deep down, isn't that what we all want? Power over others, power to induce them to do our bidding, power to get what we want when we want it.
Even better, psychic power, so one can control people with the mind, without resistance or resentment.
Very rare text with effective methods.
[ recommended ] Phillip Cooper - Basic Sigil Magic
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The most effective way to communicate with your subconscious is via magically charged symbols, or sigils. Cooper shows you how to create sigils and use simple rituals to charge them with power.
He also teaches you the importance of using color and the seven planetary energies to enhance the power of your sigils.
Secret of Secrets: The Unwritten Mysteries of Esoteric Qabbalah by Michael-Albion Macdonald
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The scope of all Qabbalah can be categorized under four headings: Practical Qabbalah, Dogmatic Qabbalah, Esoteric Qabbalah, and Magical Qabbalah. The Practical Qabbalah involves the mystical interpretation of Scripture through the means of the Sacred Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, which of themselves comprise not only letters, but numbers also.
The use of the letters and their numerical values are further divided into three sciences: Gematria, the Straight interpretation of a passage by its numerical value; Notariqon, or the Study of passages by: means of the initial or final letters thereof only; and Temura, or the Study of decyphering and recyphering the mystical passages through the permutation of letters by subStitution with others (often by means of complex tables or formulce) It is because of the innumerable purposes and uses to which these sciences can be put that it has been termed practical.
The Dogmatic Qabbalah represents the bulk of the written Qabbalah. All the works - such as the Sepher Yetzirah, the Sepher Ha- Tzenioutha, and the Greater and Lesser Holy Assemblies of the Sepher Ha-Zohar fall into this category generally though most derrive conclusions through more than one means of Qabbalah. In the majority of these works the Ten Sephirot or "Numerations of Deity" are either discussed directly or intimated at through myStical wording. Of these a great deal will be said later.
The Esoteric Qabbalah is the most highly mystical and by consequence, the least understood division of the Hebrew Tradition. It is sometimes called the 'Unwritten Tradition' or the 'Secret of Secrets' because it has been kept closely and hidden for many centuries. It is partly philosophical, and partly dogmatic, and for the most part concerns the understanding of the written word in its true and secret light. Many things once considered 'unwritten' or secret are now available to all, by virtue of books such as this which elabourate the mysteries at great length. There are so many such books available in our present Century that the term, 'unwritten' can scarce be applied to it any longer.
The final division, or the Magical Qabbalah deals mainly with the application of the Tradition to ceremonial and talismanic Magic; the evocation of spirits, &c., for the purpose of greater understanding of the World Divine. In this heading may be placed such books as the Sepher Raziel Ha-Malachim, and its ilk and variants.
The work of this present volume is to clearly elaborate for the reader the mysteries hidden in the Qabbalah. Although all four divisions of Qabbalah shall be dealt with at some length, it does not fall within the scope of this work to give a word for word translation of the major works of the Qabbalah seeing as there are already many excellent works of that kind-but only to rend the veil which shrouds them, that through-meditation and study, the reader may come to a fuller harmony with the Absolute.
The Book of Protection: Being a Collection of Charms
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These Codexes contain a large number of incantations, charms, etc., all of which have been translated to the best of Mr. Gollancz' ability. In some cases, he makes tentative translations, as it appeared the original scribe meant to baffle all satisfactory interpretation. Many notes are included, explaining the various texts.
[ recommended ] Packwood - Memetic Magic
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This phenomenal work possesses the very real possibility of being hailed as one of the most profound underground books on the magical arts ever written. Never before has the occult nature of society, the Root Social Matrix, been discussed.
In addition, the paradigm-shattering claim is made that this book contains the foundational framework underlying a thorough comprehension of the means by which the very fabric of reality can be manipulated through simple artistic techniques based on memetic symbology. The ancient wisdom of the pagan sorcerers is combined with modern scientific social theory by a cultural anthropologist, resulting in a new age of magic where reality itself becomes mutable.
Circle of Isis - Ancient Egyptian Magick for Modern Witches
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The author shows how she, her coven, and her friends, have come to know the deities of ancient Egypt, and how these Gods and Goddesses have enriched their lives. Included are meditations and techniques to help the readers bring those deities into their own lives.
Also included are songs for the deities, rituals, information on hieroglyphs, two new forms of divination, names, incenses, oils, information and recipes for an ancient Egyptian feast, sources for statuary and other items, and even the best sites to visit on the World Wide Web. Instructions on the creation of a wand, nemyss, kilt, and sistrum are included.
This book does not pretend to recreate the religion of Ancient Egypt, but rather to bring knowledge and worship of its deities into modern Pagan practice. Readers will have the tools to continue learning and developing their own methods of honoring the Gods and Goddesses of Tamera, the Beloved Land of the ancient Egyptians.
Bardon Question and answers
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Franz Bardon is regarded by many as the greatest Hermetic adept of the 20th century. A tireless worker for the light, he survived Hitler's concentration camples but died a victim of Communist persecution in 1958. He left behind him four legendary books which have become acknowledged classics of occult literature.
This present volume is the first complete new work from the hand of Franz Bardon to appear since his famous series of books on Hermetics. Compiled from the notes of his students in Prague, it represents his oral teachings on the nature of the magical universe. Set in the form of questions and answers, this book is an invaluable addition to the Bardon material.
Liber Falxifer Vol I: The Book of the Left-Handed Reaper
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Liber Falxifer is the long awaited book that reveals the secret teachings of the Necrosophic Cult within the Current 218. This book of the Scythe-Bearer provides a solid theoretical, historical and mythical foundation for the Cult of the Left-Handed Reaper, and offers clear instruction for ritual practice connected to both the folk-magical tradition, as well as the more sinister, hidden line of traditional witchcraft connected to the Cult of the Skeletal Lord of the Bloody Scythe. The basis for the various forms of magic presented in Liber Falxifer is a dark form of telestic fetishism steeped in the forbidden and concealed traditions of both necromantia and necromageia, as practiced within the many clandestine magical paths connected to the Lord of All Graves.
The grimoire is broken out into two parts, the first of which is a discussion of the relevant aspects of the exoteric Latin American Cult of the Lord of Death. Topics offer insight into the origins of the Cult and the different forms of the open and closed Cults of the Master, the various altar setups and their significance, the specific traditional offerings given to the Lord of Death, the empowered talismans and fetishes used within magical practice, the different methods of consecration, traditional spells and rituals for magical protection, revitalization and malediction, and a curse to bring death to one's foes.
The second part of Liber Falxifer focuses entirely on the more esoteric aspects of the Hidden Cult of Death, first noting that its essence is partially expressed through some of the same symbolism used within the folk-magical practice, but then taking matters much deeper into the darkness of the mysteries of the Sinistral Death, presenting not only an esoteric crossing between the two cults, but a complete system of practical Necrosophic Sorcery. Amongst the topics discussed are the pagan roots of the Master of Death, His true identity as it is understood within the Templum Falcis Cruentis, His many names of power and various aspects and manifestations, the Formula of Calling and Invocation to the Lord of the Scythe, the esoteric ritual for the ensouling of the altar statues of the Left-Handed Harvester, the workings with the altars used within the esoteric line of practice, the many different talismanic symbols, sorcerous insignia and the Key Sigils of Death, the buying of soil from the dead, the mysteries of Death's fell garden, the creation of fetish-skulls and the many different ways that they can be employed within the Necrosophic practice, the magic of tobacco and the secret tincture of its great daemonic shade, the Rosaries of Death and their construction, the Altar of the Dead and the veneration of the shades of the True and Secret Ancestry, the Sigil of Resurrection and instructions for the creation of a Spirit Box used to house the shadow of the dead, the Sceptre of the Shadow of Death and its creation and consecration, and much more.
Curses, Hexes & Crossing: A Magician's Guide to Execration Magick
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Renowned Daemonolatress S. Connolly explores the taboo topic of Execration Magick from a unique "darker path" perspective. This book covers cursing from Ancient Egypt to modern times and gives the modern magician plenty to consider when it comes to cursing, hexing, and crossing enemies; as well as learning to break bad habits and curse bad situations. Also included is a section about protections, how to break curses, how to clear one's personal space of negativity, and simple methods for psychic self defense.
Mierzwicki - Graeco-Egyptian Magick
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Recreation of a planetary system of self-initiation using authentic Graeco-Egyptian Magick, as practiced in Egypt during the first five centuries CE. The source documents are allowed to speak for themselves yielding magickal techniques and correspondences very different to that of modern systems of magick.
[ recommended ] Identifying and Breaking Curses - Eckhardt
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Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling and you just can't seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you're sick of just living from paycheck to paycheck. You've prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing seems to work.
No matter what your ailment is--financial, familial, physical--you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Join John Eckhardt as he discusses how to do identify curses by name and then break them--not only in your own life but also in the lives of others.
William A. Oribello - The Sealed Magical Book of Moses
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This is valuable information to have on hand and give you an insight as to the depth of what the organized religions won't tell you about. The power that Moses had, the ability to command things to happen like he did wasn't just a one way street, it was a two-way communication and his Egyptian knowledge of magick was transferred to the monotheistic belief system he helped to set up. Here are secrets of Moses' powers that can now be revealed for the serious student of the New Age and Occult. Included are the 21 MAGICAL TALISMANS OF MOSES seldom seen, which can be used to: * Bring you reader the highest possible good fortunes. * Attain honor and personal wealth. * Bring back a loved one or straying mate. * Help overcome illness and stay healthy. This book contains ancient spells, charms and powerful commands given to Moses by God to help the Chosen People overcome all obstacles and vanquish their enemies.
The Great Book of Magical Art Hindu Magic and East Indian Occultism the Book of Secret Hindu Ceremonial and Talismanic Magic
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Karika - Liber 767 vel Boeingus
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This book is an extract of more than fifteen years of hard-core magical practice and experiences. Jozef Karika brings new and revolutionary views on many magical subjects. New ways of charging sigils and working with servitors; using cell phones in magical practice; magical techniques with the memory of things and places; entity work with spirits of chemical substances, bacteria, genes and micro particles Karika also explores new psychological models of magic, practical ideas regarding Taylor Ellwoods concept of pop-culture magic and much more. A Slovakian Historian and Publicist, Jozef Karika has been experimenting with magic for more than fifteen years, in Ceremonial and chaos magic.
* These documents are provided for information and research
purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily
endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is
it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed
Mastering Evocation:
Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit
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Mastering Soul Travel
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Universal Circle
Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical
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Mastering Divination: Omniscience
Learn Magick Rituals That
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Circle of Solomon
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Interviews With A Magus
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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting
Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master
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Five Rituals
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Advanced Cosmic Ordering
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Manipulative Psychology 101
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