Mythical Entities - In Your Head or Independant of It?

ChaosTech 08-27-2004 07:22 PM
This has been a question that has remained unanswered in the magickal community that I thought would be fun to discuss.

Some magicians believe mythical entities, like dragons, elves, faeries, demons, angels, etc, are indepentant entities and so exist outside of ourselves like our fellow humans and animals.

Other magicians believe mythical entities are purely anthropmorphised parts of our own psyche and exist either solely in our individual psyches, or in the collective psyche of the human race, (like a kind of biological astral realm).

And other magicians believe that there are indeed indepentant mythical entities, collective thoughtforms of humanity (some independant and some symbolic), and personal anthromorphised entities.

But the question still remains unanswered to the magickal community as a whole.

Here is my thoughts on the subject:

In an example case of the demons of the Goetia, why is it that one magician claims he has bound them to his will, another claims he has sealed one in a bottle and thus is the sole master of it, and another claims that he has outright destroyed one or many of them, yet they still manifest before any magician who knows how to summon one?

Another magician will claim that the demons are actually indepentant entities and either super powerful or weak compared to a human, but nevertheless are indepentant weither a mass thoughtform of humanity or something that existed before us or without us, yet one magician will summon one and ask it if this is true and it will say yes, while another magician summons the same one and asks if this is true and it's says no. Why is this so as well?

It could be argued that the demons are indeed indepentant of us and that the reason why two magicians get two different responces is because demons are liers, and this may be so, but I hope to prove this wrong.

The demons of the Goetia come from a grimiore that alleges to be from the legendary king of ancient Israel, Solomon, but the contents of the grimiore shows this to be untrue and from a much later date. The very names of the demons are simply Hebrew words anthromorphised into entities, others are even stolen names of gods and lesser spirits from surrounding cultures of the ancient Israelites, like Egypt, Canaan, etc, and others are unidentified to this day. Also the methods of contact, sigils, and attributes given to them point to a date much later than ancient Israel, as they contain many elements of magickal and religious symbology of the early medieval period.

The ancient Israelites had no concept of the majority of the techniques and workings of the Goetia, and would have viewed such a manuscript as quite alien and strange.

So the historical evidence of the very Grimiores and the demons themselves show that this clever little system of magick is indeed manmade as well as the entities within it.

But even with this fact, there still lies the possibility that although the demons were created by humanity, the practice of the grimiore has given them an independant existance through humanities belief in them. They have became thoughtforms. This may be true as well, but it still leaves an open question. If they are indeed independant existing entities now, why can as I said at the beginning. One magician can destroy one, another can trap one in an object, and another can bind one to his will and make it a slave? This makes no sense at all and contradicts the notion that they are independant beings.

And so all the evidence seems to suggest that they are indeed within us and not without. But the last question is, are they personal anthropmorphised powers of our psyche, or humanities collective psyche. I can't answer this as it's impossible to seperate the two as weither a collective psyche exists or not, it is apart of us all and so is personal and collective and there is no way to divide it to analyze it from a personal psyche.

But nevertheless, it seem obvious to me that the demons of the goetia are personal anthropmorphised parts of our own self and when you put one to work on a task, you are merely communicating to your subconcious with the imagry and symbolism appropriate to invoke the intent you desire.

With angels you run into the same conclusion with demons as they stem from the same culture(s). Except for maybe the Enochian type, which although colored by the Hebraic/Christian thought of medieval europe, are impossible to analyze as the came from a seer (Kelly), and so could be indepentant entities he contacted or anthropmorphised parts of his own mind, or even just downright lies as he was quite the hoaxer, although there are reasons to think this not the case as he seemed he really believed what he was doing.

As far as dragons, faeries, elves, unicorns, dwarves, etc. All of these mythical beings are usually highly anatomicly incorrect, for instance most dragons have large bodies and small wings and thus are aerodynamicly inable fly. And in general most all of them are clearly formed from combining various physical animal parts, and so have little reason to be believed to be anything more than human creations. Not to say that there continued belief in for ages hasn't created thoughtforms of these entities, but then of course it's impossible to tell the difference between just a personal anthropmorphised aspect of yourself and a real independant astral entity, as even in the case of them telling information you didn't concious know, or manifesting psyhic phenomenon, your own subconcious is more than capable of doing the same thing.

So then, I hope I have shown not only why it's silly to believe such things have an indepentant existence, but why such things do what they do.

On the other hand, there are indeed real indepentant entities in the realm of pure conciousness known as the astral realm, as human beings can meet and converse this way. But anything else is impossible to claim as being indepentant, even in the case of animal spirits, as you can't come back and talk to your cat to see if it remembered you.
Thoughtforms and egregoreson the otherhand, seem to be real to an extent, but are nothing compared to a human being no matter how many share a belief in them. I'm not saying though that a thoughtform couldn't be made to be as dynamic and intelligent as a human being, but few magicians have the skill nor desire to do so. Some of them probably have been made though, that I know of though I've never encountered one.

Also as far as spirits of the dead go, this is a tough one, and once again runs into the same problem as animal spirits.

Nuhad418 08-27-2004 07:50 PM



This has been a question that has remained unanswered in the magickal community that I thought would be fun to discuss.

Some magicians believe mythical entities, like dragons, elves, faeries, demons, angels, etc, are indepentant entities and so exist outside of ourselves like our fellow humans and animals.

Other magicians believe mythical entities are purely anthropmorphised parts of our own psyche and exist either solely in our individual psyches, or in the collective psyche of the human race, (like a kind of biological astral realm).

And other magicians believe that there are indeed indepentant mythical entities, collective thoughtforms of humanity (some independant and some symbolic), and personal anthromorphised entities.

But the question still remains unanswered to the magickal community as a whole.

93 ChaosTech,

I think there may be a missing option between the latter two. I do think that these entities are extensions of our mind. They are projected aspects of ourselves...objectified so we may better understand that which is otherwise unconscious to us. They are of the realm of metaphor. That realm has its own independent rules and manners and reality. Our realm and the metaphorical are perpetually interpenetrating and weaving. So while I see these entities as part of our minds I also grant them a reality, objective enough to cause boon or harm on us. Real enough to heal or harm. Ultimately I think the reason this question has really never been answered is that either one is fully dedicated to one view or the other OR the question becomes irrelevant. Most days I am in the latter camp.

93 93/93

palindroem 08-27-2004 07:51 PM


Well ChaosTech . . . no offense, but another failed attempt to answer a question within the scope of humans limited, linear, static, material-base, ego-omniscient view of the world.

I'm not trying to put you down, or belittle your attempt. I just don't think the answer comes from within that scope.
And, it may be an answer thats only useful for YOUR question . . . if I ask the same question, your answer may not do me any good.

When I try to answer this for myself, I have to start with the question of:
What is the environment, construct space, that I believe these things exist within? What is "astral"? Where/what is the substance of the collective psyche? Where/what do I locate that externalizable portion of my personal psyche?

(and I think that the question of how do ghosts exists (form, thier environmental function) is very relevant)

Part of The Mystery is that YOUR questions aren't necassarily for MY answers . . .

I know nothing!

fatbastard 08-27-2004 08:02 PM


As far as I see it currently in my work with Alchemy, creatures like Dragons, Unicorns and mostly
every surrealistic rendering of an animal in alchemy correspond mainly either to processes/stages or
substances. In the minds of the authors back then, they were linked basically due to some common
things found between them. And because they are beautifull and effective, they are used till now.
Besides that, they are powerfull icons to work changes within the psyche.

I AM 08-27-2004 11:15 PM


In my experience, Dragons at least are real. And they can be incredible friends. They can affect both Physical and Astral realities.

As far as dragons, faeries, elves, unicorns, dwarves, etc. All of these mythical beings are usually highly anatomicly incorrect, for instance most dragons have large bodies and small wings and thus are aerodynamicly inable fly. And in general most all of them are clearly formed from combining various physical animal parts, and so have little reason to be believed to be anything more than human creations. Not to say that there continued belief in for ages hasn't created thoughtforms of these entities, but then of course it's impossible to tell the difference between just a personal anthropmorphised aspect of yourself and a real independant astral entity, as even in the case of them telling information you didn't concious know, or manifesting psyhic phenomenon, your own subconcious is more than capable of doing the same thing.

I have to disagree with this description at least as far as Dragons are concerned. The ones I have met and conversed with have NOT fit this description.

Additionally, Dragons do not think like humans do. Many concepts we take for granted are concepts they do not understand and, even when explained to them they still have no frame of reference to put it in. For instance, they do not understand HATE. This has not just been my experience but also the experience of others.

Those who think that Dragons are an extension of our personality have probably not talked at length with one. That is not an insult just an observation.

One cannot own a Dragon however they can give themselves to the magickian freely.

As a final observation I will say that the Dragons of our legends are NOT the only Dragons. (Do not ask for details as I will not supply them).

Humbly, I AM

Astral Alien 08-27-2004 11:19 PM


Two things...

Firstly, though the names of the demons in the goetia are strikingly similar to some ancient god's names, the idea that the demons are demonized version of the old gods are just what most people assume it to be, so there sure answer, unless you can travel back in time. of course, you may still be right, however, but it is a possibility, not an assumption.

Secondly, I like your take on the subject, but I do not think that you can call the belief of goetic spirits as independent entities silly. My belief is that a named entity has its own "essence" to some extend, many people can evoke it, but the essence will still be there. Another thing to note is that spirits do not have a fixed form, they could probably be taking on the shape of something humans can recognize, besides, don't our eyes also intepret the surroundings through our brain first? Even if a paradoxical thing happened. I doubt your mind will make you "see" it anyway.

Interesting topic, but many people actually fought over it without considering its practicality, the way you view it does not really give you more success or failures.

1000ShadesofGrey 08-27-2004 11:25 PM


As a final observation I will say that the Dragons of our legends are NOT the only Dragons. (Do not ask for details as I will not supply them).

Humbly, I AM

Well, could you kindly tell me where and how can I get those details myself, please ?

I AM 08-27-2004 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by 1000ShadesofGrey
Well, could you kindly tell me where and how can I get those details myself, please ?

The only way I know of to get these details is to actually meet one of these Beings. They came into my life unexpectedly as THEY came to ME but I imagine that if a person were to focus on meeting a Dragon while in the Astral it might just work.

They will not appear to everyone. Remember how they have been treated historically by humans. They had no clue why they were hunted and killed and did not understand our fear of them. However, they have NOT forgotten.

I wish you luck my friend.

Humbly, I AM

1000ShadesofGrey 08-27-2004 11:57 PM



Mmothra 08-28-2004 12:00 AM


Frankly, I don't think this is a topic that can be settled to everyone's is SO personal, SO idiosyncratic that even within myself I find several competing points of view.

My intuition tells me that there are both projected aspects of the human mind AND completely independent entities involved in magickal work. My astral work has led me to believe that at some level of being there is no real difference between these independent critters and those that leap from our sub- and unconscious minds...they exist on a continuum of perception and reality and it really all depends on where you and "your head" are how you experience the manifestation of "other".

Digression: Never met or spoke with a dragon...wouldn't mind as I always secretly empathized with Smaug in The Hobbit and, in the same way that speaking with a vampire who had lived thousands of years and seen civilizations and social customs come and go, speaking with a truly mythical creature of great intelligence and power would be pretty fascinating.

So, the bottom line for me in this particular kibble of space-time is that I don't care and am ultimately unable to determine if perceived entities are "real" or not. What interests me is how my consciousness (and consequently behavior) is transformed by the experience of perceiving them. Many of us talk about how "the process is important but results are what really matter". My point is that the only results we can ever truly ascertain are changes to our internal landscape and the manifesting alterations in the way we interact with our external environment in all its glorious confusion.


Specktackular 08-28-2004 02:58 AM


"It's all in your mind... but you have no idea how big your mind is!"
-- Lon Milo Duquette

see also Son of A Montage's recent post:

"The universe is mental"... you can change your mind.

Wiseone 08-28-2004 03:05 AM


well i do know for certain that dragons are real as are many other mytholocial creatures. in some books ive read these creatures used to have a good realtionship with humans in the ancient world but when some religions came into the scene like christianity they moved into another realm to avoid being hunted down and everything.

though not sure if what i say is really true that is what ive found out from some books and stuff.

Ekron 08-28-2004 03:12 AM


As I believe in a God, The All, The Point or whatever semantics one cares to use to describe IT. And as such I believe in its emanations/manifestations.

I perceive the universe existing in many dimensions. I herd one scientist say recently that there could be 11 dimensions. Sadly he did not qualify that statement but it was connected with the 'String Theory', relativity and quantum mechanics (see "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene).

So the ancient Qabalistic mystics could have got it right with the emanations of the 10 sephira plus Daath. And to each one is assigned an archangel and order of angels. Science has yet to 'prove' them but they have not yet fully opened their minds to the hidden dimensions.

Specktackular 08-28-2004 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ekron
As I believe in a God, The All, The Point or whatever semantics one cares to use to describe IT. And as such I believe in its emenations/manifestations.

I perceive the universe existing in many dimensions. I herd one scientist say recently that there could be 11 dimensions. Sadly he did not qualify that statement but it was connected with the 'String Theory', relativity and quantum mechanics (see "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene).

So the ancient Qabalistic mystics could have got it right with the emenations of the 10 sephira plus Daath. And to each one is assigned an archangel and order of angels. Science has yet to 'prove' them but they have not yet fully opened their minds to the hidden dimensions.

Yep! I read that book twice. The second time, I highlighted each instance of God-like terminology as opposed to scientific.

MaeveQ 08-28-2004 03:41 AM


I cant know for sure but I think that those beings are independent mostly. There may be some that are extensions of our mind but I think most are not. At least not now.

Radiant Star 08-28-2004 03:53 AM


I have seen several things at different times that fit the mythical description, creatures that I have never seen on earth in my ordinary life and I don't think I have even seen them in books and they are all different; one ran away from me, a couple seemed to be coming for me and so I panicked and banished and one was circling me and watching; all looked me in the face - I really don't know what that means, but I was fascinated and would love to see one of them again, if only I knew how to get it back.

I would have thought these to be things in my head but they have only appeared since I started CM and only appeared if I have not done my ritual properly or closed my circle.

I have no way of proving that I have seen them or that they have not come from my mind, but there again I cannot prove that my unseen helpers exist either, apart from having been told things that I could not have known and have the information come true, witnessed by two others

I would like to think that they were imaginary in some ways, then I need never banish or worry if I got my ritual work wrong; only I believe they are real.


Kuroyagi 08-28-2004 06:27 AM


Ultimately I think the reason this question has really never been answered is that either one is fully dedicated to one view or the other OR the question becomes irrelevant.

I mostly agree w nuhads statement here...whether one sees it (eg evocation) as "finding" a path to (contact) an entity or projecting said entity out from your mind is largely a question of taste- or if one wants: practicality: if one nearly craps his pants cause some green gaseous shape lingers in ones room Id consider it as highly impractical to view it as a mere figment of ones imagination only..

edit: I AM: one small thing: on the one hand you say that the only info on dragons can be obtained by being contacted by them but on the other you wrote that they are (or had been) "historical"- wouldnt that imply that there are records etc of them? (Im just asking cause this interests me too)

I AM 08-28-2004 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kuroyagi
edit: I AM: one small thing: on the one hand you say that the only info on dragons can be obtained by being contacted by them but on the other you wrote that they are (or had been) "historical"- wouldnt that imply that there are records etc of them? (Im just asking cause this interests me too)

Hey my friend!

There are many legends and writings of Dragons. Knights slaying Dragons. Humans stealing their treasure. They once were a part of this world. Their legends exist in almost every culture and their legendary knowledge of magick is also included in many of these writings.

They chose to leave our world because they became hunted beings for no reason but that they were different. And leaving this world is really a misnomer. They have left the world of human's perception.

I cannot prove this but I suspect that many other mythical creatures left the world of our perception for similar reasons. I have only met Dragons. I have no direct knowledge of other Beings.

I am very protective of these Beings as I consider them my friends.

Humbly, I AM

pAmphAge 08-28-2004 07:54 AM


We have a lot of faeries in W. Hollywood. They seem real enough to me, but I don't go around poking them with my wand or anything to make sure. *shrug*

As far as Goetic spirits...they certainly feel like real entities to me, and that's how I treat them. When I work with the planetary seals from the Greater Key, however, now THAT feels more like awakening parts of my subconscious.

As far as a magician claiming they have the only Gamori locked in a brass jar or something is absurd. In *their* Microcosm, YES, of course. But the spirit will still exist in the Macrocosm for other magicians to invoke into their own Microcosm with varying results, thus accounting for some discrepencies. If the discrepencies are too great, however, then probably a mistake lies with one of the magicians.


Specktackular 08-28-2004 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by I AM
Hey my friend!

There are many legends and writings of Dragons. Knights slaying Dragons. Humans stealing their treasure. They once were a part of this world. Their legends exist in almost every culture and their legendary knowledge of magick is also included in many of these writings.

They chose to leave our world because they became hunted beings for no reason but that they were different. And leaving this world is really a misnomer. They have left the world of human's perception.

I cannot prove this but I suspect the many other mythical creatures left the world of our perception for similar reasons. I have only met Dragons. I have no direct knowledge of other Beings.

I am very protective of these Beings as I consider them my friends.

Humbly, I AM

That is the coolest thing I have read in a while! Were there specific books relating to dragons that facilitated your meeting them or did it just happen and you were somewhat surprised to see a dragon?

I AM 08-28-2004 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by pAmphAge
We have a lot of faeries in W. Hollywood. They seem real enough to me, but I don't go around poking them with my wand or anything to make sure. *shrug*

As far as Goetic spirits...they certainly feel like real entities to me, and that's how I treat them. When I work with the planetary seals from the Greater Key, however, now THAT feels more like awakening parts of my subconscious.

As far as a magician claiming they have the only Gamori locked in a brass jar or something is absurd. In *their* Microcosm, YES, of course. But the spirit will still exist in the Macrocosm for other magicians to invoke into their own Microcosm with varying results, thus accounting for some discrepencies. If the discrepencies are too great, however, then probably a mistake lies with one of the magicians.


Well said sir! One has only to summon many of these beings to be convinced that they are REAL. The power of many entities is such that they cannot be fully contained by Magickians especially when they are first starting out. Some never. While it is true that they are within they are also without.

I liken it to having all the possible phone numbers within ourselves. When we put them together correctly they DO exist within us. However, they also call the entity that is external to us. On banishing we close the link. This is a difficult concept to explain.

Humbly, I AM

Originally Posted by Specktackular
That is the coolest thing I have read in a while! Were there specific books relating to dragons that facilitated your meeting them or did it just happen and you were somewhat surprised to see a dragon?

Trust me it just happened and no one was as surprised as me. You see I used to think that people who talked about meeting and being friends with Dragons were perhaps confused. While I did not judge what they said and kept an open mind the thought was there that they were misinformed.

These Dragons came into MY life. And I have become richer for the experience. Their loyalty knows no bounds. I am a convert and now KNOW that they exist.

Humbly, I AM

Specktackular 08-28-2004 08:27 AM


I AM, were you in the middle of a ritual or anything when the Dragon showed up... or was it like DMK says in "Modern Magick" that sometimes "astral junk" just shows up like a serpent's head in your living room and you can either choose to ignore it or not? I don't mean to imply that the Dragon is merely "astral junk" at all, but essentially I am just asking if it showed up out of the blue like that.

Wiseone 08-28-2004 01:11 PM


well i do know that everyone has a soul companion that is a mytholicical creature and most would have a dragon but may be a unicorn or something.

well I AM is the dragons youve met your soul companion as well i would like to know and everything as im curios on that.

Noxlux 08-28-2004 07:10 PM


Haven't you guys heard? THats why magick works so poorly nowadays ... in the 14th century it was like someone called for Bael or whomever and they really came with thunder and sulphur ... but as the years went along more and more magickians imprisoned one or anohter of the demons and tortured them and kept them in little boxes.

That is the background of the present sad state of affairs, where if you call a demon som astral forces may play along, but all of the heavyweight champions are sitting in little boxes all over the world. This is why it takes years of training to becmoe a real magickian - if you do not have a strong and trained will the astral wont play along.

Except every once in a while ... when one of the real demons escape - thats when we have situations more resemblant of like the local magickian I read about in the morning paper the other day. I had already noticed some rather unusual phenomena; horrendous numbers of flies, the stench of rotted flesh, and more rats than usual in one part of the city where I live. These phenomena got their explanation from what I read in the paper: Total beginner - summened one of the heavies from the Goetia . WHAM we had our local version of the beginning of the excorcist immediately. A gang war erupted in the magickians neighborhod - death count so far is 28, not counting the the tragic traffic accidents which has soared in that area. And the magickian himself was commited to a mental asylum after killing and eating his family.

That will teach him how to draw a proper triangle next time :-)


On a more serious note, if I shall venture out on the thin ice of metaphysics, I have often felt that the criteria gregory bateson sets fort for "mind" do not in any way limit minds to existing inside human brains. And perhaps there may be minds out there who may be contacted through the interface of evocation and so forth. Beings we have no way of interfacing with directly with our conscious minds (i.e. the nonadepts amongst us).

Nox "The universe is mental" - But so am I :-)

Kuroyagi 08-28-2004 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by I AM
Hey my friend!

There are many legends and writings of Dragons. Knights slaying Dragons. Humans stealing their treasure. They once were a part of this world. Their legends exist in almost every culture and their legendary knowledge of magick is also included in many of these writings.

They chose to leave our world because they became hunted beings for no reason but that they were different. And leaving this world is really a misnomer. They have left the world of human's perception.

I cannot prove this but I suspect that many other mythical creatures left the world of our perception for similar reasons. I have only met Dragons. I have no direct knowledge of other Beings.

I am very protective of these Beings as I consider them my friends.

Humbly, I AM

I at least know of some eastern variant, as for the physical/planes-mingling: Im quite sceptical but so were you it seems- so Im gonna take your word for it, my man! :)
(one doesnt want to restrict oneself after all ;))




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