The Vampire Codex:

XLI. Shielding Techniques

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by Michelle Belanger

Because of what we are, we have little need for shields ourselves. Shields are, by definition, antithetical to our nature. We are constantly taking energy into ourselves. To close ourselves off from this would be to close ourselves off from what sustains us. Selective shields, or filters, which allow only certain things through, are more useful to us by far.

Our best defense against energy intended to do us harm is simply to fall back upon our essential nature. It is our nature to devour, and so we merely take it all in, good energy, bad energy, tendrils, missiles, all of it. While we rarely gain any actual benefit from taking such energies in, neither are we harmed by them.

If you are attacked by something, grab onto it on the subtle level and pull it into yourself. Break it down into neutral energy as you would process anything else. Though in general the assimilation of energy is an unconscious process, in cases of attack, you may actually have to concentrate on the process. Just will the energy to break down. Purge it of any specific charges or intents and make it a part of you. You may also purge it, process it, then throw it back in the direction it came as a response to whoever attacked you.

If such an attack is clearly being directed by another, trace the attack to its source as you would travel down one of your own tendrils. Then reverse the attack and drain through your enemy's connection to you. The attacker will usually be so surprised by this response as to cut the attack off immediately.

Most of the awakened consciously or unconsciously set up shields in order to guard against a myriad of psychic attacks. Shields, as they are constructed of energy, can be drained into non-existence by those of our kind. The energy may not be something which we can process or make use of, but it is energy nonetheless and therefore not proof against our manipulations.

Next: XLIII. Creating Filters

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